Top 5 Traps in Minecraft 1.18: Get The Intruders

Last Updated on: 18th February 2022, 07:32 pm

Traps in Minecraft
Traps in Minecraft

You spend a lot of time in Minecraft gathering your resources and precious items. The items that sometimes cost you your life. Well, what if something was to happen to this treasure. You don’t want that to happen, right? Well, use these 5 traps in Minecraft to keep those intruders away from your precious treasure. Well, traps are not something new in Minecraft. These are in the game for a very long time. From the Jungle ruined temples to the Desert Temples. Traps are included everywhere. However, they are not something that you cannot build. You can also create your traps in Minecraft.

1. Pressure Plate Traps in Minecraft

Traps in Minecraft
pressure plate

The pressure plate is one of the things that are self-built traps. When you step on a pressure plate it gets activated. Moreover, if you drop some weight on it, it gets also activated. So, the mechanism of this trap is really easy. And it doesn’t require many resources also.

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Just place anything on the pressure plate that you want to protect. Now connect a piston with that plate using Redstone. If someone tries to pick up your items, it will activate the plate resulting in tripping the traps in Minecraft. And eventually, they will fall into the trap.

 2. Landmine Traps in Minecraft

This is another trap that you can build to wipe out those thieves that are behind your goods. Just make a small pit filled with TNT and make a small setup of Redstone. This setup of Redstone is something that activates all the traps in Minecraft. Once the thieves trip the Redstone the TNTs will do the rest of the work.

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3. PitFall Trap

Traps in Minecraft
lava pit trap

The pitfall trap is something that requires a little bit of time. Longer than most of the traps in Minecraft. But trust us when we say this is the most satisfying trap. When you see your enemies falling to their death in the void created by you. This trap surprises all those crooks that are behind you with rewards that you earned by hard work.

4. Blowing Wall

Traps in Minecraft
TNT trap

One of the most un-suspected traps is the Blowing wall trap. This is great to protect the resources that you want to keep as the way you got them in the first. Or to keep the hands of the unwanted ones from the Blocks that you use in your base. Like the Block of Gold, Diamond, Netherite. All these need to be protected, and hence you can use these Traps in Minecraft.

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5. Trapped Chest Trap

The Trapped Chest trap is unexpected to anyone. This trap is used to kill your enemies and intruders. This trap requires Droppers and a chest. The chest that will store your goods and the dropper will hold the lava in which your enemies will burn.

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Akshit Thakur
Akshit Thakur
Getting better everyday.