Last Updated on: 7th January 2022, 09:39 pm

With the dawn of 2022, there are a lot of things that are coming in Minecraft. However, those things are for later this year. Still, it is the start of the year and most people still want to enjoy the fun of playing Minecraft. Well, we have the perfect solution for you. You can try playing Survival Mod Packs in Minecraft.
With the increase in the popularity of the game since the last decade. Numerous amount of game coders and developers have introduced their ideas in the game. Just to make the game more fun and interesting. So they have made a quadrillion amount of Survival Mod packs in Minecraft that you can try. But first, let us know what is a Mod pack?
What are Survival Mod Packs in Minecraft?
To keep it short and simple, Mod Packs are add-ons that are created by gaming enthusiasts all around the world. These add-ons help you to create special features in the game that you always wanted. Some of these mod packs are predefined.
However, these Survival Mod packs are made for just fun and are for everybody. Somehow, some of these packs get so popular that they become a trend, and then players all around the world try to compete with each other to complete these packs. So, keeping these trends in check, here are Some of the best and most popular Survival Mod packs in Minecraft of 2022 Beginning.
1. RLcraft Survival Mod Packs in Minecraft

This is the best and one of the most powerful Mod packs on our list. In terms of experience and power consumption too. The RLcraft stands for Real-life Craft and just like the name suggests, this mod pack focus on the real-life experience. Even if it is of the textures or the challenges in the game. And if you are interested in this type of gameplay, then you should try the RLcraft Survival Mod Packs in Minecraft.
2. Parasites by Forge Labs

If you are a fan of movies like Resident Evil, etc. Then this mod pack is something that might interest you. As the name suggests that Parasites have infected everyone in the game and all the creatures have changed. With all that, the villages also have been corrupted and you have to survive this corrupted world.
Well, it has been the dream of most Minecraft players to have the experience of Zombie Apocalypse in the game. And these Survival Mod Packs in Minecraft provide that experience. Moreover, the actual experience of this mod pack is way scarier and horrifying.
3. Mineshafts & Monsters Survival Mod packs in Minecraft

If we are talking about the interest of Minecraft players, then we know that a lot of players are interested in the Medieval era. And that is why we bring you another Mod pack that is suitable for your needs of playing the Knight or building your own empire.
Mineshafts & Monsters survival Mod packs in Minecraft takes you to the time when the land was ruled by kings with their giant kingdoms. When the skies were the home of dangerous creatures. And if you placed a single step wrong, everyone was ready to kill you.
However, this Mod pack is also filled with wonders too. Ignoring the fact that every single creature here wants to kill you, then this world is really beautiful. Filled with beautiful biome generations and amazing texture packs.
4. World of Dragons

Well, seeing that the audience is interested in the gameplay that includes fantasy. Then there are other Survival Mod packs in Minecraft that can satisfy your hunger for this Medieval thirst.
The World of Dragons is based upon George R. R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire book series”. And if you are a true Medieval fan, then you know that this book gave rise to one of the biggest TV series, “The Game of Thrones”.
So similar to that, this mod pack focuses on the dragon world, interacting with villagers, and then completing quests. And with each quest being completed, you will face dangerous dragons that you have to kill.
5. Avatar: The Last Airbender

So, in the end, we have something for our Anime Lovers too. We all know that Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the most popular Animes of all time. And a lot of you dream to live the like of the Avatar. Then here is your chance.
This Mod pack allows you to live The character of Avatar. You have to just play it and learn every element and defeat the Fire Lord. Moreover, Survival Mod packs in Minecraft have insane views and storylines. Discover all That and enjoy.
Note: These opinions are solely based on the writer’s thinking.
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