Top 5 Axe Enchantments in Minecraft 2022: Must Have These

Axe Enchantments in Minecraft
Axe Enchantments in Minecraft

Minecraft is filled with a lot of things. There are a lot of weapons in Minecraft. From Pickaxe to Trident there are a lot of weapons that you can use. However, there is one weapon that has the upper hand in the Minecraft world. And that is an Axe. But an axe is not something that alone is very powerful. So, enchantments make things better. Here are 5 Axe Enxhantments in Minecraft.

Axe is a melee weapon that is used to fight enemies in Minecraft. Moreover, an axe is used to cut trees and any wooden item faster. But the axe is one of the deadliest weapons in Minecraft. As one illager can kill you with two strokes of their axes. So, you must have 5 axe enchantments in Minecraft.

How to Apply Axe Enchantments in Minecraft?

Axe Enchantments in Minecraft
Axe Enchantments in Minecraft

Enchantments are spells that can be applied in certain ways. You can apply enchantment by using an Enchantment Table. Or you can get enchanted books and then apply them on the axe by using an anvil. However, you can combine enchanted items with regular, unenchanted items on an anvil to increase their durability. So, moving to the Axe enchantments in Minecraft.

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Sharpness: 5 Axe Enchantments in Minecraft

Axe Enchantments in Minecraft

As axe is a when then it is obvious that sharpness is an enchantment that should be applied to it. Sharpness increases the overall damage of the axe. The Sharpness has 5 levels. The maximum sharpness you can add on an Axe is Sharpness V. 

You can get Sharpness enchantment through the librarian villager. However, it is not that easy to get. There are very few chances that you can get this Axe enchantment in Minecraft in your first ten tries. However, don’t lose hope.

Smite: Axe Enchantments in Minecraft

Axe Enchantments in Minecraft

just like the Sharpness enchantment, the Smite enchantment is also used to increase the melee damage. However, there is a slight change to this. The smite enchantment deals more damage to undead mobs. If this enchantment is applied to an axe then you will be able to kill undead mobs easily.

  • Zombies
  • Zombie Villagers
  • Withers
  • Zombie piglins
  • Zombie horses
  • Strays
  • Drowned 
  • Skeleton Horses
  • Phantoms
  • Husks
  • Zoglins
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Are you tired of chopping trees slowly? Are you fed up with waiting? Then try this enchantment on your axe. The efficiency enchantment is one of the best enchantments in Minecraft. It allows you to decrease the mining time. Or in this case the chopping time. Just like the Sharpness enchantment, the efficiency Axe enchantments in Minecraft also has 5 levels. And Level V is the last and the highest you can get.



Well, after all this work, we are sure that your Axe will be exhausted. All its hitpoint and health will be depleted after all the chopping of trees and zombies you might have done. So, we have the perfect enchantment for you. The Unbreaking enchantment is used to increase the durability of any item. So, if you apply the unbreaking Enchantment in the axe, it will increase the durability of it. Unbreaking has three levels of durability.

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In the last we have the most wanted enchantment in Minecraft. Mending is the enchanty that allows to replenish the health of any item. When the health of your precious axe gets low, apply the Mending Enchantment on the axe. Mending allows you to use the Xp and replenish the health of items.

So, here are all the Axe Enchantments in Minecraft that you must have. We hope that you like these all enchantments.

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Akshit Thakur
Akshit Thakur
Getting better everyday.