How To Make Tools in Minecraft?

Last Updated on: 15th June 2021, 02:53 pm

Minecraft is an online and offline survival mode game where players have to make utilities for themselves with the help of their surroundings. Therefore, there are forests, jungles, deserts, oceans, snow mountains, glaciers, etc which is a great place to make tools in Minecraft.

Players can make pickaxes, shovels, axes, swords, wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond, and netherite whereas Iron, gold, and diamond are obtained from mining.

An ultimate guide to make tools in Minecraft
Minecraft game

What are Tools in Minecraft?

The tools in Minecraft are mainly used for digging, mining, and killing. There are mainly 5 tools that are very useful in survival mode. The 5 tools are Pickaxe, Axe, Sword, Shovel, and Hoe.

Purpose of each Tool in Minecraft:

  • Pickaxe Pickaxe is use to dig blocks like cobblestone, granite, nether brick, nether quartz, diorite. It is also used to dig precious items like iron, gold, diamond, netherite, etc.
  • Axe – Axe is use to cut wood from the trees, wooden blocks used in the home, signboards, and much more.
  • Sword – Sword is use to killing zombies, skeletons, villagers, drowners, and enderman. It deals great damage if it is made up of iron or diamond. The enchanted one can finish the enemy in very few swings.
  • Shovel Shovel is use to dig blocks like dirt and sand. The speed is increase by a lot if you dig these blocks with a Shovel.
  • Hoe – Hoe is used while making food farms only. To grow crops, you will be required to right-click on dirt with a hoe in your hand.
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Steps To Make Tools in Minecraft

Note – You can choose any block like a wooden plank, cobblestone, iron ingot, gold ingot, and diamond.

Pickaxe –  For this, you will require 2 sticks and 3 materials as per your need.

Tools in MinecraftOn a crafting table, place 2 sticks in the centerline. The one stick should in the bottom least block and another one in the exact center. Now, place 3 blocks, whichever you want to use, on the topmost line. Segregate 1 in each box. Now, your pickaxe will be ready.

Axe – For this, you will require 2 sticks and 3 materials of any type.

Tools in Minecraft

In the crafting table, place a block on the top left corner, 1 in the center top, and one on the left side of the centerline. Now, place 2 sticks—1 in the bottom block of the center line and one in the exact center. The axe will be ready.

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Sword – For this, you will require only 1 stick and 2 blocks of whatever you want to use.


However, place a stick on the center bottom and 2 blocks on the exact center block, and 1 on the center top block.

Shovel – For this, you need 2 sticks and 1 block.


Moreover, Place 1 stick in the center bottom block and 1 in the exact center block. Now, place a block on top of the centerline. Your shovel will be ready.

Hoe – Hoe requires 2 sticks and 2 blocks.


Therefore, place 2 sticks just like we placed for the shovel. Now, place a block on top of the center line and top of the left line. The hoe will be ready.

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