How to Obtain and Use Moss Block in Minecraft? 

Minecraft Moss Block Guide
Friday, 9 September 2022 | Minecraft Mob with Goat, Moss Block, and other New Elements in Minecraft | Credit: Mojang

This is an article about the block Moss Block that appears in Minecraft. It explains how to obtain moss blocks, how to increase them, and conditions for increasing the range. Moss Blocks (Moss Blocks) are blocks introduced in the Caves and Cliffs Update 1.

It is basically a decorative block, but by using bonemeal, you can change the surrounding blocks into moss blocks and grow grass and azaleas. When viewed from above, it is difficult to distinguish from grass blocks, but when viewed from the side, the difference is clear.

How to Get Moss Block in Minecraft? 

There are 3 ways to get Moss Blocks:

  • Recovered from an overgrown cave
  • shipwreck chest
  • Dealing with the Traveling Trader

To add to each, overgrown caves generate a lot of moss blocks, but overgrown caves are hard to find. Shipwreck chests don’t always contain moss blocks, so you may have to search multiple shipwrecks before you find one. Trading with the Wandering Trader also does not always include Minecraft Moss Blocks in the trading list.

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However, wandering traders appear regularly, so checking the list each time may save you the trouble of looking for them. Also, if you have a bone meal, you can increase the number of moss blocks, so you can bring back only one.

Using bonemeal on a moss block will change the surrounding blocks: If you use bonemeal on a moss block, it will turn the surrounding blocks into moss blocks. The blocks that transformed into moss blocks at this time are mainly earth-based blocks such as dirt and grass blocks. And stone-based blocks found in nature such as stone and granite. In addition, when bonemeal is available on a moss block, grass and azaleas may also generate around it.

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 The area where Moss Blocks Spread in Minecraft!

When using bonemeal on a moss block, the range where it turns into a moss block is randomly within the following conditions.

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Note: Java version and integrated version (Switch version, PS4, smartphone version, etc.) have common specifications.

Step-1: Centered on a Moss Block in Minecraft using bonemeal, within a range of 3 squares vertically and horizontally (excluding corners)
Step-2: Only the topmost block turns into a moss block
Step-3: Affects up to 4 squares higher than the moss block using bonemeal (However, it is invalid if the height of 1 square or more is empty from the moss block)
Step-4: Affects surfaces up to 4 squares below the moss block using bonemeal (effective even if not connected to the moss block)

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How to use Moss Blocks in Minecraft? 

Moss Blocks are good for decoration and as a material for crafting some Blocks.

As a material for moss carpets: MICRA Moss Carpet Recipe. Moss Blocks are better as a material when crafting Moss Carpets. Moss carpets are good for decoration and spring in the same way as wool carpets.

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As a material for mossy cobbles: Moss Block in Minecraft as a material to craft Mossy Cobblestone. Mossy Cobblestone is a decorative block.

As a material for mossy stone bricks: Moss Blocks can craft Mossy Stone Bricks. Mossy stone bricks are also decorative blocks. Moss blocks can as a material to generate bonemeal by placing them in a composter.


A composter is a block that can produce bonemeal by adding seeds or crops to it. Moss blocks have the same efficiency as pumpkins, so you can turn them into bonemeal fairly efficiently. This is all you need to know about the Minecraft Moss Blocks and the best ways to use them. If you want to read more articles like these then make sure to follow us on Google News.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.