Minecraft Fishing: How to Catch Fish and Treasure in Minecraft?

Minecraft Fishing: How to Catch Fish and Treasure in Minecraft?
Minecraft Fishing: How to Catch Fish and Treasure in Minecraft?

This is an article about fishing in Minecraft and the different items you can obtain from water. It explains the list of items that you can catch and the fishing system. In Minecraft, you can fish by using a fishing rod. In addition to various fish, it is possible to catch various items such as treasures such as enchanted books and saddles and garbage such as leather boots. Fishing is easy to collect food even in the early stages! 

How to do Fishing in Minecraft? 

To start fishing, first, prepare a fishing rod. To fish, hold the fishing rod in your hand and press the button that uses the tool toward the water. Water is available to fish even if there is only 1 square.

When you use a fishing rod, the fishing rod floats on the surface of the water. After a while, a splash comes up to the float and pulls it into the water. Just when submerging the bobber, you can catch it by pressing the use tool button again.

If you catch it too early or too late, you won’t catch anything, be careful. It doesn’t have to be at the right time to catch it, so it’s best to wait until it’s biting before catching it.

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About the Fishing System in Minecraft

The time it takes for the creature to take effect is random within 30 seconds, depending on various conditions you can shorten it. The time-varying condition looks like this. If the location of the float is not exposed to sunlight or moonlight, the time will be approximately doubled. Also, If it’s raining, it will take a little less time. If the fishing rod has the enchantment of Eating in a row, it will take less time.

Conditions for Catching Treasure 

Among the items that you can catch, there are various treasures as well as fish. However, to catch treasure, you can’t fish unless you meet the conditions called open water. Open water is a 5x4x5 area centered around the float of the fishing rod with no blocks placed.

There are no blocks placed in the 5x4x5 area around the float, so you can treat it as open water. If there are any blocks placed within this range, you will not be able to catch the treasure and do the Minecraft Fishing.

So be careful (When aiming for treasure, it is better to fish in a place slightly wider than 5x4x5 with plenty of room.) By the way, even if you put “water lily leaves” or “bubbles” in the 5x4x5, you can still catch treasure. 

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Advantageous with Enchantments that can apply to Fishing Rods:

By adding “enchantments” to fishing, you can add various special abilities to make fishing a more advantageous rod. The types and effects of enchantments that you can attach to fishing rods are as follows.

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Minecraft Fishing: How to Catch Fish and Treasure in Minecraft?
Minecraft Fishing: How to Catch Fish and Treasure in Minecraft?

Types of items that you can get by Fishing

Basically, It looks like this table, but please note that the contents will change slightly if there is an enchantment Treasure Fishing or if you are fishing in the Jungle. By the way, the durability of the tools and armor that you can catch is considerably reduced.

Change in Probability of catching items when there is Treasure Fishing:

If you fish with a fishing rod enchanted with the Treasure Fishing enchantment, there is a +2.1% chance of finding more treasure for each level of baiting. (there is a possibility that it can increase to 11.3% when treasure fishing is the maximum III. Each item in the treasure increases to 1.9%.) In addition, the chances of catching fish and trash will decrease slightly as the chance of finding treasure increases.

Change in items that you can acquire in the Jungle

Fishing in the jungle will add bamboo (0.8%) as one of the Minecraft bamboo icons in the items above in addition to the above items. The extra bamboo slightly reduces the odds of catching other items in the trash. In addition, only the integrated version (Switch version, PS4 version, smartphone version, etc.) has the following two differences.

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You can fish cocoa beans (0.8%) as one of the trash. Tropical fish and blowfish you cannot catch. Cocoa Beans also have the same effect as bamboo, with the added amount slightly lowering the odds of catching other items in the trash.

In Conclusion

Fishing can be easily done anywhere as long as you have 1 square of water and a fishing rod. However, it is worth noting that prey is more likely to bite when fishing outdoors and that in the Java version you can only catch treasure in open water. Items that can obtain include fish that are useful as food in the early stages, as well as enchanted books, bows, and fishing rods.

In particular, it is also important to add “repair” that you cannot attach from the enchanting table. You can also get other items such as name tags and saddles that are difficult to obtain, so if you have the item you want, let’s make use of fishing.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.