Last Updated on: 7th July 2021, 11:16 pm

Minecraft 1.17.1 Patch Notes: Minecraft 1.17.1 update is finally here and many bugs have been considered in this update. The biggest update ever in Minecraft which was Caves and Cliffs was released earlier last month. This update released many new animals like Axolotls, Goats, Amethyst Geodes, Glow Squids, and many more. The update also brought over 100 new things and blocks.
After such a huge update, Mojang released a small update to fix bugs and glitches. The update 1.17.1 was released yesterday. The update brought many new fixes. Here’s all you need to know.
What are the changes in Minecraft 1.17.1 Patch Notes Update?

- Players can get blue axolotls only by a breeding method.
- Normal goats have only a 2% chance to produce screaming goats.
- Status effects on goats are now applied when the goat is jumping or ramming.
- Also, Drop rate is increased for copper ingots from Drowned to 11% + 2% per level of looting.
- Powder snow now fills cauldrons twice its original speed before (still pretty slowly, though!).
- Glow Inc Sacs will not be picked by zombies, zombie villagers, husks, and drowned.
In the official minecraft 1.17 trailer there was a green axolotl so it’s pretty much confirmed to happen.
— Aidan (@Aidan68186165) July 6, 2021
Major Changes in 1.17.1 Patch Notes Update
- Pistons and dispensers can now be used to create ghost blocks with the help of powder snow.
- Also, Creative mode-obtained Bucket of Axolotl/Tropical Fish only spawns one kind of axolotl/tropical fish.
- Captured axolotl constantly tries to leave the water.
- Jump boosts are effective on Toats.
- Emerald ore generates too often.
- Small dropleaf is consumed without being placed when used on tall seagrass.
- Axolotls despawning though named and on leashes.
- Wandering Trader-obtained tropical fish are only white kob.
- The distribution of Diamond ore changed between 1.16.5 and 1.17.1
Moreover, the emerald and diamond ore generation won’t affect chunks already loaded in the new Minecraft 1.17.1 patch notes. These kinds of changes will only be available in newly unloaded chunks.
Technical Changes in Minecraft Update 1.17.1
- Deaths of named mobs are now logged.
- In case of DNS-based redirection, the client will send the hostname actually used to connect (this restores the pre-1.17 behavior)
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