Get 1 Emerald Trades in Minecraft: Loot The Villagers With it

1 Emerald Trades
1 Emerald Trades

The Minecraft world is full of wonders and one of the wonders of this world is Villagers. Villagers are one of the best things in Minecraft. They offer many things in Minecraft. One can become a millionaire in Minecraft if they know how to use the villagers properly. But the most annoying part is to trade with the villagers while their trades are reaching the skies. So here are some tricks that you can use to get 1 Emerald Trades in Minecraft.

Trades are some of the best things in Minecraft. But the thing we all hate about trades is that villagers offer them really expensive. So, to solve them, we have some tips and tricks to help you get 1 Emerald Trades in Minecraft from villagers.

How to get 1 Emerald Trades(1st Method)

There are several ways to get 1 Emerald trades in Minecraft. Some ways are easy and most effective. However, these methods don’t promise 1 Emerald trade on the first try. But other methods are reliable and will give more benefits than the previous ones. However, the methods that give more benefits are the ones that are more dangerous. So here are the methods that can get you cheap trades:-

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1. Curing Zombie Villager

The first and easy way to get cheap trades from the villagers is to cure the villagers. In Minecraft, villagers are entities that have different jobs. And they provide different trades according to their jobs. But they provide the trades very expensively. So, there is a way to get cheap trades.

1 Emerald Trades
Curing Villager

Villagers have expensive trades. But when they become villagers, they act like infected villagers. So, if you cure these villagers, they will tend to lower their trades. So, to make a zombie villager, here ate the steps you must follow:-

Step:1- Get a zombie and make sure to give him a name.

Step:2- Now get a normal villager with trades that you want to get lower.

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Step:3- Get the zombie to attack the villager, and then the villager will get turned into a zombie villager.

How to Cure a Zombie Villager

Now is the part where your all efforts shall give you your reward. We have to cure the zombie villagers so that they will provide the desired trades. So to cure the villagers, here are the steps you must follow:-

Step:1- Prepare the Splash potion of Weakness. Splash because villagers cannot use the potion themselves.

Step:2- Now prepare  Golden apple, it will cure the villager.

Step:3- Use the potion on the infected villager.

Step:4- Now give the Zombie Villager, the golden apple and then wait.

Step:5- After some time your villagers will be cured and you will have your cured villager.

1 Emerald Trades
Trading hall

After curing your zombie villager, you will be able to get your desired trades at very low price. But that will remain for a very short time. These trades will get lower for a short period of time. But there is one more way that you can get 1 Emerald Trades. And that is to make a raid farm.

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How to get 1 Emerald Trades(2nd Method)

Trades with villagers
Trades with villagers

The second method that you can use is to build a raid farm. A raid farm is something that will benefit you in the many ways. The raid farm will get you Totems of Undying, Arrows, Crossbows. But the most important thing  that this farm will provide you is the Enchantment, that will literally reduce any trade price to 1 Emerald.

The Hero of Villager is the Enchantment that will make the villagers drop down their trades. But to get this enchantment, you have to defeat a whole raid. And you have to protect the villagers from the illagers. At the end, the villagers will treat you as their hero and will reduce their trades to 1 Emerald Trades.

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Akshit Thakur
Akshit Thakur
Getting better everyday.