BGMI Shadow Force Mode Back With Action Pack Updates! Do not Miss

Last Updated on: 28th February 2024, 11:28 pm

Battlegrounds Mobile India is coming back with Shadow Force Mode Action Pack Updates.| Credit: BGMI.

Battlegrounds Mobile Game (BGMI) is hardly avoided by any mobile game users. Day by day the popularity of Battle Royale games is increasing with an increase in the number of new players. This is all possible due to its engaging and wide range of gameplay modes. All these gaming modes give you unique experiences, various playstyles, and more. Recently, with the BGMI 3.0 update a new gaming mode was introduced – Shadow Force Mode. In this mode, you can see new high-tech buildings, zipliners, and other latest-using items. 

Now the update is buzzed out, Shadow Force Mode is coming with new exciting action pack upgrades. BGMI officially posted this information on their Instagram account. The post reflects that various new updates are waiting for you the users so, go and update your current BGMI version. And grap your seat tightly to get action pack experiences. 

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BGMI Shadow Force Mode Exciting Updates 

As per the last update, the BGMI launched the Shadow Force Mode the new theme in-game. In this, you can find the newly introduced melee weapon – the samurai sword which is capable of blocking the bullets. With this high-tech gaming ambiance players use a clone summoning device to equip themselves. Other features of this theme are –

  • Web Shooter.
  • Ability to outmaneuvre opponents.
  • Remodeled areas in the map for a combat experience.

Gaming Modes In BGMI 

The most famous battle royale game won the hearts of lots of players, all thanks to its amazing game modes. BGMI contains various in-game modes for its players especially in two categories – Ranked and Unranked mode. Below we mentioned some of them.

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Classic Mode: A well-rounded battle royale challenge gaming mode. Which provides a realistic gaming experience with looting, intense fights, and strategic in-game positions. This features similar maps and style to gameplay.

Ultimate Arena Mode: It offers a 4v4 battle royale experience forced on Team Deathmatch. This is a team-formed type of game mode, in which players team up in four and fight the battle against their enemies in multiple rounds. A disadvantage of this mode is it allows a special area mapping accessibility. 

Arcade Mode: Arcade Mode includes various sub-modes like Quick Match, Mini-Zone Sniper Training War, and others. This special fast-paced design gaming mode is for players with adrenaline-fueled fights with different rules and challenges too.


BGMI is here! The latest updates come with exciting pack-in features and fresh experiences. Now, this time this mobile game is bringing back upgrades in Shadow Force Mode. Players can easily access it by updating the older version. BGMI has already included game modes that fill the player’s in-game experience with thrill. Along with that, this mobile game is more enjoyable items for players. So, connect with us to get the latest updates about BGMI and more games.