Top 3 Best Tips and Tricks about Glow Berries in Minecraft!

Sunday, 18 September 2022 | Top 3 Best Tips and Tricks about Glow Berries in Minecraft! | Cerdit: Mojang
Sunday, 18 September 2022 | Top 3 Best Tips and Tricks about Glow Berries in Minecraft! | Cerdit: Mojang

This is an article about Minecraft Glow Berries (Glowberry) that appears in Minecraft. It explains how to obtain Glowberry, how to grow it, points when growing it, and its characteristics such as brightness. Glowberries are a crop introduced in Caves and Cliffs Update 1. The Java version calls it Glowberry. It is by being up of “vines” and “fruits” hanging from the ceiling. The fruit is good as the food, and it can also a light.

How to get Glow Berries in Minecraft?

Glowberries from overgrown caves or obtained from chests in the underground dungeon “Abandoned Mine”. In both cases, it’s a little harder to find. When collecting grow berries, it is OK to press the button that uses a tool (right click, ZL, L2 button, etc.) on the part that will become the fruit. Breaking the ivy part will not drop anything, but if you break it with a tool enchanted with “Silk Touch”, it will become an item.

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Even if you break the ivy part with Silk Touch, the fruit Minecraft Glow Berries will drop instead of the ivy. Also, if you destroy the ivy at the root, all the ivy under it will be empty. At this time, the fruit will turn into an item, but the ivy part will disappear without turning into a thing, so be careful.

How to Grow Glow Berries in Minecraft?

To grow berries, simply place them on the ceiling and wait for the time to pass. It is a fruit in the icon, but it changes to ivy when placed on the ceiling. As time passes, the ivy will grow, and occasionally a fruit part will grow. The probability of generating fruit is about 10%.

In addition, it is possible to produce fruit by using bonemeal on the ivy part. The growth of glow berries is highly random, and some parts grow well and parts don’t. If it’s a part that grows well, it’s about 20 blocks long for both the integrated version (Switch version, PS4 version, smartphone version, etc.) and the Java version.

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Also, Glowberry does not grow infinitely but stops growing after a certain period. If it stops growing, cut off the tip of the ivy or add more ivy, and it will start growing again over time. By the way, only in the Java version, if you break a glow berry with scissors, the ivy will stop growing.

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Features and uses of Glowberry:

Restores 2 hunger when eaten: Eating Minecraft Glow Berries restores 2 (1) hunger.

Can climb as ivy: Glowberry ivy can climb like any other ivy by holding the jump button. It can be that it is for athletics because it is less stable than a “ladder” as a means of climbing.

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There is brightness in the fruit part: The glow berry fruit part has 14 levels of brightness. Brightness level 14 is good for squeezing out the springs because the light has the same intensity as a torch.

Can use when guiding or increasing foxes: Foxes love Minecraft Glow Berries. If you have a glow berry in your hand, you can guide the fox here. You can also increase the number of foxes by feeding two foxes Glowberries.

Can be good as a composter material: Glowberries can available as a raw material to generate bonemeal by placing them in a composter. A composter is a block that can produce bonemeal by adding seeds or crops to it. Glowberries, however, are not very efficient, as they are as efficient as the least efficient “seeds” when producing bonemeal.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.