5 of The Most Used Potions in Minecraft

Here are the most used potions in Minecraft that might help you to increase your chances of survival in Minecraft.

Potions in Minecraft

Potions in Minecraft: The game contains dangers and wonders, simultaneously. There are few things that amaze players. But some things can be challenging too. One of those things is Potions in Minecraft. As much as they seem to be intimidated, they are quite simple to understand with a little bit of practice.

However, the game has numerous amount of potions. So, you can get really confused. That is why we have made a short list of the most used and helpful potions in Minecraft. These potions are really useful as they do most of the work in Minecraft. But if you want then you can create more complex potions. Without a further a-do, here is the list:

1. Fire Resistance Potions in Minecraft:

Fire resistance potions in Minecraft

Fire resistance potions are the most used potion in our opinion. They are the best when it comes to explore the Nether. Just pop-up a Fire resistance potion and you are good to go to the Nether. Or to dive into a lava pool if you want. The recipe is fairly simple to understand. Moreover, you can get them by trading with the Piglins. Here is how you can create the potion:


  1. Glass Bottles
  2. Blaze Powder
  3. Brewing Stand.
  4. Nether Warts.
  5. Magma Cream.
  6. Redstone.


  1. Place the Water bottles in any of the three slots you want.
  2. Put the Blaze Powder in the fuel slot.
  3. Add the Nether wart in the the item slot and let it saturate in the bottle to create an Awkward potion.
  4. When the Awkward potion is ready add the Magma cream in the item slot and let it saturate too.
  5. When the Magma cream saturates, you fire resnce potion will be ready to use.
  6. However, you can add redstone in it to increase the duration from 3 min. to 8 min.
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2. Potion of Strenght:

The strength potion in Minecraft is another potion with highest use. Whether it is to kill the Ender Dragon or to fight with the pillager, it always comes in hand. It is also very easy to create and to use. Here are the ingredients:


  1. Glass Bottles
  2. Blaze Powder
  3. Brewing Stand.
  4. Nether Warts.
  5. Blaze Powder (As the item to add effect in the potion).
  6. Redstone or GlowDust.


  1. Place the Water bottles in any of the three slots you want.
  2. Put the Blaze Powder in the fuel slot.
  3. Add the Nether wart in the the item slot and let it saturate in the bottle to create an Awkward potion.
  4. Once you have the base potion, add the blaze powder in the item slot.
  5. The strength potion created then will have Strenght- I for 3 min.
  6. Now you can add redstone to increase the duration for 8 min.
  7. However, you can add the glowdust to make the Strenght- II potion. But the potion will have the duration of 1:30 min.

3. Potion of Healing:

Potion of Healing in Minecraft

The healing potions in Minecraft can be game-changers. They are relly useful. However, Most players underestimate them. This potion can turn the tables to your side. So, keep this potion with you all the time:-

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  1. Glass Bottles
  2. Blaze Powder
  3. Brewing Stand.
  4. Nether Warts.
  5. Gistering Melon (Place melon slice with gold nuggets surrounding on the crafting table).
  6. GlowDust.


  1. Place the Water bottles in any of the three slots you want.
  2. Put the Blaze Powder in the fuel slot.
  3. Add the Nether wart in the the item slot and let it saturate in the bottle to create an Awkward potion.
  4. Now add the GListering Melon in the item slot.
  5. Then you will have the healing potions in Minecraft that will give you 2-Hearts when used.
  6. Add Glowdust and you will have the Healing Potion- II, That will give you 4-Hearts when used.

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4. Water-Breathing Potions in Minecraft:

Want to go the depths of the ocean and explore them. Or you might want to make an under-water base. Whatever the reason is, staying under water for long is the biggest problem. For this, we have the suitable potion for you:


  1. Glass Bottles
  2. Blaze Powder
  3. Brewing Stand.
  4. Nether Warts.
  5. Puffer Fish.
  6. Redstone.


  1. Place the Water bottles in any of the three slots you want.
  2. Put the Blaze Powder in the fuel slot.
  3. Add the Nether wart in the the item slot and let it saturate in the bottle to create an Awkward potion.
  4. Afterwards, add the puffer fish in the item slot.
  5. Now you have the Water breathing potions in Minecraft with 3 min of duration.
  6. Moreover, Use the redstone to increase the duration to 8 min.
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5. Potion of weakness:

The certain villager is giving you Unbreaking or maybe Mending. You want to buy it but the price is really high. Then don’t worry, use the potion of weakness and you are good. Didn’t understand, wait and know about this potion:


  1. Glass Bottles
  2. Blaze Powder
  3. Brewing Stand.
  4. Fermented Spider Eye.
  5. Redstone.


  1. Place the Water bottles in any of the three slots you want.
  2. Put the Blaze Powder in the fuel slot.
  3. This potion is really easy to make because you don’t need a Nether wart to make a base potion, you can make this potion directly by adding the item.
  4. Make a fermented spider eye by combining the Spider eye, Sugar, and Brown Mushroom in Crafting slots.
  5. Add this fermented eye in the potion.
  6. Then you will have the potion of weakness with duration of 1:30 min.
  7. Add the redstone to increase the duration from 1:30 to 4 min.

Now that you have the option of weakness, use on the villagers. First make a villager into zombie villager by interacting him with a zombie. When he is turned into a zombie villager, use the Weakness potions in Minecraft to weak him. Now use a golden apple to cure him. He will decrease his rates of trade. Continue this process for several times, and eventually the villager might give you you favourite trade for 1 Gem. Who knows!

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Akshit Thakur
Akshit Thakur
Getting better everyday.