Home Minecraft How to Get Suspicious Sand in Minecraft

How to Get Suspicious Sand in Minecraft

Get Suspicious Sand in Minecraft
22/02/2023/ Get Suspicious Sand in Minecraft / Credits – Mojang Studio

Even though version 1.20 of Minecraft has not yet been released, several of its future features have already been tested by users. Players have had the opportunity to experiment with new blocks, and mobs. Gameplay enhancements thanks to snapshots and previews for Java Edition and Bedrock Edition.

The archaeological update is one such feature that has recently been made following a protracted period of development. One of the key features in the most recent round of Minecraft beta tests, although not being done, is this. Players may use a brand-new brush tool to give suspicious sand blocks a little dusting, which releases things.

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Get Suspicious Sand in Minecraft

Compared to many other blocks that were shown in Minecraft 1.20 previews, suspicious sand is an oddball. This is because it is so delicate. It cannot be shattered and picked up, not even with a Silk Touch-enchanted instrument.

The sand will also crumble as it lands if a player breaks bricks below it. To avoid losing the chance to find pottery shards, players must be extremely vigilant when looking for suspicious sand to brush.

With the most recent snapshot and preview, players won’t be able to gather suspicious sand because it is so readily broken in Survival Mode. They must instead utilize commands or the inventory in Creative Mode to gather these tiny sand blocks.

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Here’s how to get suspicious sand in Minecraft using commands and Creative Mode:

Java snapshots 23w07a and up, or their Bedrock equivalents, are required to enter your world. Make sure experimental features are enabled since otherwise suspicious sand won’t be available. Also, cheats must be enabled.

Use the command “/gamemode creative” to change the current mode to Creative Mode. Or start the world in Creative Mode from the beginning to acquire these blocks. the inventory screen should be opened, the compass symbol should be selected, and “strange sand” should be typed into the search field. Now that you can gather strange sand, you should be able to save it in your inventory and Hotbar.

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If you’d rather use a command, use “/give @s suspicious sand X” (where X represents the number of blocks you want to add to your inventory). Depending on how many blocks you specified in the command, you should gather as many pieces as your inventory will hold after executing the command.

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