How to Find Your Home if You’re Lost in Minecraft?

How to Find Your Home if You're Lost in Minecraft?
How to Find Your Home if You’re Lost in Minecraft?

This is an article about how to go home when you get lost in Minecraft. In addition, we also explain points to avoid getting lost. When in doubt, aim for the initial respawn point in Minecraft, If you get lost while playing Minecraft, the point is to return to the initial respawn point.

Many of you have probably built your home or base near your initial spawn point. Of course, this is not always the case, but seeing the scenery of a familiar place may remind you of where you built your home or base.

Display Coordinates and Returns

When you are Lost in Minecraft, To return to the initial spawn point, it is important to first know where you are. For that reason, let’s turn on the display of coordinates in the settings. The method of displaying coordinates differs depending on the Java version or integrated version (switch version, smartphone version, etc.).

Once you can view the coordinates, aim for the initial respawn point. The location of the initial spawn point varies a bit, but roughly speaking, it’s near “x=0,z=0”. (Y is the height, so don’t worry about it.) In other words, it is OK to move so that the values ​​of x and z become 0.

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Return using Compass If Lost in Minecraft

This is how you can go home when you are Lost in Minecraft and without displaying the coordinates. Use the compass to aim for the initial spawn point. The compass is an item that indicates the direction of the initial spawn point. The initial spawn point is in the direction the red needle is pointing. Therefore, it is possible to return to the initial spawn point by continuing to move in that direction.

How to make a compass: 4 iron ingots and 1 Redstone.  You can find both undergrounds, but Redstone can only be got by going deep underground. I don’t recommend going underground to make a compass.

If You Can’t Go Home, You can Die: If it’s too far to go home, or it’s troublesome to move, you can just die and go back. You can easily return to your initial spawn point by dying, but there are a few caveats.

About the items you have: When You Lost in Minecraft and you die, the items you have will disappear soon. Of course, it is possible to save it by storing it in the chest. However, in that case, you have to go to the location where the chest is to get it again. So after all, it takes time and effort to get it. If you store it in the Ender Chest, you won’t have to go back to get it, but it’s a difficult item to make.

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What If You are using a Bed in Minecraft? 

You must be aware of beds when dying and returning to the initial spawn point. The bed is an item that overwrites the respawn point by sleeping. In other words, the place where you come back to life after you die is the bed you slept in last. Also, by breaking the bed, the respawn point of the bed disappears and resets to the initial respawn point.

Therefore, to die and return to the initial spawn point, you will need to destroy the last bed you slept in. Even if you don’t know the location of the last bed you slept in, if you die once, break the bed at the respawn point, and die again, you can return to the initial respawn point.

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How not to Get Lost in Minecraft? 

#01. Remember the Coordinates of Your Home

To avoid getting Lost in Minecraft, remember the coordinates of your home and base. If you remember these coordinates, you can return without hesitation by turning on the display of coordinates explained earlier. In order not to lost, the most important point.

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#02. Use the Map

By using the ” map “, you can know the terrain around you and where you are. Of course, if it’s within the area shown on the map, it’s perfect for preventing lost children in Minecraft. The problem though is that maps are a bit of a difficult item to make.

Furthermore, the area displayed on the map has limits, so if you go outside the map, you will not know where you are. Even if you go out of the map range, the player’s direction is visible, so if you keep moving toward the map range, you can return.

#03. Make a Mark

It may be a good idea to create something in your home or base that will serve as a landmark even from a distance. For example, just stacking blocks is enough to be a landmark from a distance. Furthermore, if there is light such as a torch, it will stand out even at night.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.