Last Updated on: 1st December 2021, 10:46 am

Minecraft is a game that challenges your imagination and Building skills. However, this is literally a game of Minecraft Building Blocks. Blocks that you place around each other and make cool stuff. And being the best game of the last decade, this is completely true. Moreover, there is a saying in the Minecraft Community,” The only thing limiting you is you your own imagination and Bedrock”.
So, there are really cool ways and blocks that you can use to make different things, structures, items, and much more in Minecraft. These Minecraft Building Blocks have different properties based on their origin, the recipe of crafting, and others. On the basis of these all categories there are certain blocks that have ranked the most used blocks in Minecraft Community. These are:-
1. Spruce Block: Minecraft Building Block.
Spruce Wood is a type of Wooden Block that is used the most by players in the category of wood. You can get this wood in the Mountain biome or the Snowy Biomes. They are preferred by the players for crafting types of Furniture and Beams for their structures. This wood has a very distinctive color and aesthetics.
2. Stone Bricks
The stone bricks are the most used Minecraft Building blocks. As they are easily available and have a cool texture to them. The Stone bricks are used to make the walls and floors of the builds. To craft a Stone brick you need to follow these steps:-
Step:1- You have to Mine Cobblestone.

Step:2- Then smelt those Cobblestones so that you get Stone in return. You can use a Furnace for that.
Step:3- For the next step, you can use a Crafting table or a Stonecutter.

Step:4- Place the stone in either of these 2. And you will have the option to craft a Stone brick.

Note:- 1 Cobblestone gives 1 stone after smelting. And you need 4 stones to make 4 Stone bricks.
So you can use these bricks in multiple places and they will have a very amazing texture and design to your Build. Moreover, Cobblestone is available everywhere. So, you can craft as much as you want to. However, the problem of having a constant fuel supply is a problem.
3. Glass: Minecraft Building Blocks
The next block is one of the most used blocks in Minecraft in our opinion. Glass is the block that everyone loves to use in their builds. This simple Block is so useful, as it has many purposes. You can use glasses for your windows, Walls, Tunnels, Underwater tubes, and much more. Moreover, these Minecraft Building Blocks are really easy to make. Because they are made by smelting sand.
4. Quartz( Block, Pillars, Chiseled)
These blocks are the perfect blocks for you if you something Modern and white or a shade of White. Quartz is an item that is obtained in the Nether. When you mine it, you get XP and Quartz. That you when combined with each other, form Quartz Blocks. These Minecraft Building Blocks are very pleasing. And players use them to create modern Themed houses. Different Combinations give different types of Quartz.
5. Terracotta
At last, we have the most unusual Block in Minecraft. The terracotta block is very beautiful. ANd players use this Minecraft Building Block to make special designs in their Builds. However, the crafting of Terracotta Block is really hard in Minecraft.
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