Valorant’s map diversity plays a crucial role in shaping the gaming experience, and Split stands out as one of the iconic battlegrounds since the game’s beta stage. With its narrow routes and two distinct bomb sites, A and B, Split presents unique challenges and opportunities for players. This article aims to provide an in-depth Valorant Agent Tier List specifically tailored for the Split map, categorizing them based on their effectiveness and strategic utility.
Before diving into the Valorant Agent Tier List, it’s essential to grasp the characteristics that define Split. As a defense-sided map, Split’s narrow pathways create an environment conducive to close-range engagements. This inherent nature of the map favors certain weapons, particularly Shotguns, making them potent choices for players navigating through its tight spaces.
VALORANT agents tier list based on their ULTS ONLY pic.twitter.com/5RN9c0AvSp
— Tina (@oktinaa_) February 26, 2022
Evolution of Split
Split has evolved, undergoing several changes since its introduction during the beta stage. These modifications aim to balance the map and enhance gameplay dynamics. Despite its defense-sided nature, Split continues to be a popular choice among players due to its unique layout and strategic intricacies.
Valorant Agent Tier List List Criteria
Valorant Agent Tier List presented in this article is subjective and reflects the writer’s opinions based on the current state of Valorant’s meta. Agents are categorized into five tiers, ranging from S-tier (highest) to D-tier (lowest), considering their effectiveness and suitability for Split.
S-tier Agents: Valorant Agent Tier List
The S-tier comprises Agents considered optimal choices in Valorant’s current meta for the Split map. These Agents excel in providing strategic advantages and impactful contributions to their teams. The current S-tier lineup includes:
- Cypher
- Killjoy
- Raze
- Omen
Cypher’s Dominance on Split
Cypher emerges as a dominant force on Split, securing his place in the S-tier. His Trapwires serve as formidable obstacles, preventing enemy teams from entering through narrow routes. The strategic placement of Cypher’s Spycam offers comprehensive surveillance, covering crucial spots like Main and Tower on Split.
Killjoy’s Anchoring Prowess
While not surpassing Cypher, Killjoy proves to be a valuable asset on Split. Her Nanoswarms strategically placed across entry routes, coupled with an Alarm bot, yield instant frags. Killjoy’s ultimate, Lockdown, becomes a potent tool for retaking smaller sites on Split.
Raze’s Dueling Prowess
Raze, positioned as the best Duelist for Split, lands in the S-tier due to her aggressive playstyle and damage-inducing abilities. Her capability to break Cypher’s Trapwires with explosive abilities enhances the team’s entry potential. The verticality of Split complements Raze’s Blast Packs, allowing for efficient traversal across the map.
Omen’s Strategic Versatility
Omen finds themselves in the S-tier, leveraging Split’s vertical aspects to his advantage. His Shrouded Step gains significance, enabling him to be the second entry, particularly on the A-site. Paranoia becomes a valuable tool, affecting a substantial number of enemies due to Split’s confined pathways.
KAY/O’s Tactical Edge
KAY/O, the Initiator with a focus on suppressing enemy abilities, secures his place in the S-tier on Split. His ZERO/point effectively detects enemies in concealed areas, offering a tactical advantage. The NULL/cmd ultimately proves instrumental for entering sites defended by Agents like Cypher or Killjoy.
A-tier Agents: Valorant Agent Tier List
The A-tier encompasses Agents who, while not the primary choice, can significantly impact the game when used strategically. This tier includes:
- Jett
- Reyna
- Brimstone
- Viper
- Astra
- Skye
- Breach
Jett’s Agility and Verticality
Jett, known for her agility, maintains her effectiveness on Split. Tailwind allows her to create space quickly, while Updraft becomes crucial in navigating Split’s vertical aspects.
Reyna’s Aggressive Defensive Play
Reyna’s position in the A-tier is influenced by her ability to capitalize on the numerous close-range battles that Split encourages. Her Leer becomes particularly valuable in blinding enemies within the smaller sites.
Brimstone’s Utility Justification
While Brimstone might seem unconventional for Split, his utilities justify his place in the A-tier. Incendiary serves as an excellent tool for stalling entries, and Orbital Strike can clear out narrow routes, guaranteeing kills.
Viper’s Zone Control
Viper’s Snake Bite and Smoke Screen contribute to effective zone control on Split. Her Viper’s Pit ultimately becomes pivotal for post-plant situations, covering a significant portion of the smaller sites.
Astra’s Versatility
Astra’s diverse abilities secure her spot in the A-tier, as they can be used for initiation, clearing sneaky corners, and facilitating retakes. Cosmic Divide, her ultimate, proves invaluable for both retaking and entering sites.
Skye’s Initiator Supremacy
Skye, considered the best Initiator in the game, resides in the A-tier. Her Guiding Light, Seekers, and Trailblazer provide information with minimal risk, enhancing the team’s overall strategic advantage.
Breach’s Aggressive Utility
Breach’s Fault Line proves effective in clearing narrow routes on Split, leading to easy kills. His ultimate, Rolling Thunder, covers both sites, ensuring a safer entry for the team.
B-tier Agents: Valorant Agent Tier List
The B-tier features Agents with abilities that may require more skill to use effectively but possess the potential for impact. This tier includes:
- Neon
- Phoenix
- Sage
- Chamber
- Fade
Neon’s Aggressive Entry
Neon, a Duelist with a focus on entry fragging, finds a place in the B-tier. Her Relay Bolt can concuss enemies effectively, and Fast Lane becomes instrumental for initiating entries. However, her vulnerability to certain enemy abilities places her in this tier.
Phoenix’s Limitations on Split
While Phoenix remains a strong Duelist, his effectiveness on Split is limited. His Curveballs and Blaze are impactful for initiating entries, but creating space quickly becomes challenging due to Split’s tight corridors.
Sage’s Unconventional Use
Sage, typically associated with a support role, can be an unconventional choice for Split. Her Barrier Orb proves valuable for safer entries on B site or holding off mid-pushes. Slow orbs, when combined with damage-inducing utility, yield guaranteed kills or significant damage.
Chamber’s Aggressive Playstyle in Valorant Agent Tier List
Chamber can play aggressively on Split due to its many safe spots for placing Rendezvous. However, he lacks the anchoring ability, placing him in the B-tier.
Fade’s Utility for Detection
Fade, with her Prowlers and Nightfall Ultimate, contributes to clearing out close corners and providing detection. While impactful, her overall utility on Split places her in the B-tier.
C-tier Agents: Valorant Agent Tier List
The C-tier encompasses Agents less suitable for Split due to their limited impact on the map’s dynamics. Agents in this tier include:
- Yoru
- Deadlock
- Harbor
Yoru and ISO’s Limitations in Valorant Agent Tier List
Yoru and ISO, both Duelists, rank as the worst choices for Split. ISO lacks the utility to create space effectively, while Yoru’s teleportation abilities become predictable on the map. While Yoru’s Blindside offers utility, it falls short in comparison to other Duelists.
Deadlock’s Sonic Sensor Challenges as Valorant Agent Tier List
Deadlock, while offering potential with Barrier Mesh and GravNet, faces challenges on Split. Her Sonic Sensor can be easily bypassed, making her less impactful compared to other Controllers.
Harbor’s Limited Contributions
Harbor, positioned as a Controller, offers minimal utility on Split. While Reckoning, his ultimate, can detect enemies in tricky corners, his overall impact is comparatively lower than other Controllers.
D-tier Agents: Valorant Agent Tier List
The D-tier includes Agents deemed the least effective for Split due to their kit and limited value on the map. Agents in this tier are:
- Gekko
- Sova
Gekko and Sova’s Unsuitability: Gekko and Sova, both Initiators, struggle with Split due to its lack of wide-open areas. Their Dizzy and Recon Bolt, respectively, become less impactful, and their primary abilities find limited use in the map’s confined spaces. While their ultimates offer guaranteed information, their overall contribution is minimal compared to other Initiators.
Conclusion on Valorant Agent Tier List
Valorant’s Split map presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities, that influence the effectiveness of various Agents. The Valorant Agent Tier List provided in this article serves as a subjective guide based on the current state of the game’s meta. Players should consider their playstyle, team composition, and map dynamics when selecting Agents for Split, ensuring a strategic advantage in every match. As the game evolves, so too will the viability of different Agents on Split, making it essential for players to adapt and refine their choices accordingly.