Upano : Another Mystery in Genshin Impact

With the current Mimi Tomo Events going on another vague word was introduced namely Upano in Genshin Impact. Find out how to solve it here.

Last Updated on: 3rd June 2021, 12:13 pm

Genshin Impact game
Upano in Genshin Impact

Upano in Genshin Impact: The Mimi Tomo Events have now been in Genshin Impact for about 7 days. Hilichurian phrases and words are making it harder for the players to solve quests. This piece will clear your doubts regarding another quest from the Mimi Tomo event.

With the start of day 6 in the Mimi Tomo Events, another word called Upano is tossed by a ‘Skeptical Hilichurl’ located at the Cape Oath northeast to the Dadaupa Gouge in Genshin Impact.

Yet another friendly Hilichurl can be seen helping through the Mimi Tomo Event. However, the meaning of the word might be ambiguous so let’s find out how to solve this quest.

What Does Upano Mean?


Opening our Handy Handbook of Hilichurlian we can find out after rummaging through the words that ‘Upano’ actually means something related to flying/upper direction/height/flight. It can be birds, clouds, etc. So basically we have to hand over the friendly Hilichurl something that is related to flying to move further in the quest.

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How to Complete the Quest For Upano?

To complete the quest of Upano in Genshin Impact as mentioned earlier, you have to submit some in-game item that is related to flying. You can use 3 things for this purpose:

  • Fowl (From any kind of Bird/s)
  • Butterfly Wings
  • Crystalfly Wings/core

After submitting any of these to the ‘Skeptical Hilichurl’ you can get the clue to your next quest hinted by the Hilichurl himself. Although the question remains where should you be able to find this Upano? Keep reading to find out.

Where can you Find Upano in Genshin Impact?

Monstadt Outskirts
Monstadt Outskirts

The best place to find any fowls is right outside the city of Monstadt, below the bridge on the other end. Besides this, you can also find random birds on hilltops or riversides.

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Follow the steps below to get fowl:

Step-1: Select an archer on your team or a character that does splash damage

Step-2: Head to any river, riverside, lake, hilltops

Step-3: Find any bird/s that you can kill with your archer/character with splash damage

Once you kill any of these birds you can get their fowl easily. The birds can be ducks, cranes, etc and for this particular quest, you’ll need an archer on your team. Even if you don’t have any archers you can always use ‘Amber’ the default archer character given by the game. You can do this with certain abilities as well.

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Butterfly wings are a bit harder to find than fowls. They spawn randomly but the area near ‘The Statue Of The Seven’ sometimes spawns more and is worth checking out.

The Crystalfly core/wings are even harder to find. But the Dawn Winery frequently spawns them so they can be found there easily.

What’s Next?

With this, you can finish your quest with Skeptical Hilichurl who will yet again direct you to another ‘Unusual Hilichurl’. This time the timing for the Unusual Hilichurl is around 12:00-18:00. You can use your time-changing feature to change your time between the time given.

To know more about Kucha Gusha in Genshin Impact Click here.

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Nikunj Patel
Nikunj Patel
Nikunj is a young and aspiring writer who is also interested in gaming. He is constantly looking forward to progress further into the field he works for.