Home Overwatch 2 Overwatch 2 Brand New 36th (Tank)Character: Ramattra

Overwatch 2 Brand New 36th (Tank)Character: Ramattra

Overwatch 2 will be bringing a new tank character; Ramattra to the game. His release date, details and lore are all mentioned here.

overwatch 2 new tank character
5/11/2022 | Overwatch 2 New Tank Character Ramattra as seen in the Trailer by Blizzard | Credits: Blizzard

Overwatch 2 just sneakily released Ramattra (another tank character) with his trailer. You will be able to play the brand new character as a tank in Overwatch 2 Season 2. Blizzard will release Ramattra soon so check out all of his details, release date and lore from Overwatch 2 here.

What is The New Overwatch 2 Tank Character Ramattra All About?

There were a lot of rumors about a new character by the name of Mauga in Overwatch 2. But seems like that idea was scrapped. And instead Blizzard brought us with this amazing new character by the name of Ramattra. Naeri also commented on the same on her official twitter account:

According to Blizzard, Null Sector battling for the freedom of the omnic people is led by Ramattra, a skilled omnic military commander. And he is also able to shape-shift! This gives a major edge to him while comparing with other tank characters. He has both a defensive and offensive usage and potential to be actually broken (like Genji) in the game.

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Ramattra Details: Reveal, Gameplay Mechanics and Lore

what is the new tank character in overwatch 2
5/11/2022 | Ramattra as seen in the trailer, the leader of Omnics | Credits: Blizzard

The severe treatment of the United Kingdom’s omnic population led to the formation of Null Sector. A large portion of contemporary Britain was constructed on the backs of omnic labourers, who performed menial and hazardous tasks but were not granted basic rights or citizenship. Omnics were subjected to mandatory registration, treated as though they were under military occupation, marched through the streets by armed soldiers, and required to have their bodies searched at checkpoints for omnic transit.

At today’s Overwatch 2 League Grand Finals, Rammatra was unveiled as a new tank character with a spear and shield who can switch into a Nemesis mode and engage in melee combat. Rammatra, the head of the Null sector and Zenyatta’sbrother,” is a twisted reflection of Zenyatta’s philosophy.

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Apart from this, if you remember the lore of Overwatch 1, Widowmaker killed Tekhartha Mondatta. This is what brings about the next crisis amongst the omnics. This is where the Recall animated short from Winston actually takes place. Ramattra had grown impatient and weary of waiting. Together with few partners, he founded this group to fight for the freedom and ultimate safety of the Omnic people.

When Does the New Overwatch 2 Character: Ramattra Come Out?

Ramattra will be coming out in Overwatch 2 Season 2, i.e. by 6th Dec, 2022. Despite the bugs and character disables that Overwatch has faced we hope that the season 2 will be much better. Overwatch 2 Season 2 is really going to be fun with the new additions of new skins and maybe Underwater maps. Stay tuned for more additions like this new tank character Ramattra in Overwatch 2.

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You can also take a look at the latest trailer of Ramattra in Overwatch 2 as below:

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