How to Defeat and Survive against Zombie in Minecraft?

Minecraft Zombie Guide
How to Defeat and Survive against Zombies in Minecraft?

In this blog post, We will explain the features, types, and countermeasures of the mob zombie or Zombies that appears in Minecraft. It’s a weak mob, but it can also lead to a huge cost. So, if you are new to the game and want to get rid of them then this blog post is for you. You will learn about the zombies, their strengths and weakness, and the most efficient way to defeat them. 

What is a Zombie in Minecraft? 

A “zombie” is a type of mob (monster) that approaches and attacks the player while making a voice saying “Vuu”. Although it moves slowly, it has high physical strength and is characterized by persistent chasing.

Like other mobs, it springs from where the light isn’t enough. When you defeat them, 0 to 2 “rotten meat” and rarely “carrots”, “potatoes”, “iron ingots” and iron tools can be available to pick. If you defeat a Minecraft zombie wearing weapons or armor, they may drop that equipment.

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Minecraft Zombies Attack the Villagers!!

Zombies have a habit of attacking not only players but also “villagers.” Furthermore, villagers who have been killed by zombies will appear as “villager zombies”, so if you take care of yourself, the village will be slaughtered by zombies.

Minecraft Zombie
How to Defeat and Survive against Zombies in Minecraft?

The probability of becoming a villager zombie is 0% for “Easy”, 50% for “Normal”, and 100% for “Hard”, so if you are uneasy, you should lower the difficulty level. Zombies break the “door” if the difficulty level is hard, so it’s very troublesome …

What is Villager Zombie in Minecraft? 

In simple words, A zombie that looks like a villager. Most are the same as regular zombies, but villager zombies can be returned to villagers by throwing a “weakening splash potion” and giving them a “golden apple”. Except for the appearance, it’s almost the same as a normal zombie!

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Watch Out for Kid Zombies!

It’s about half the size of an adult zombie and can pass through even a 1-1 gap. Minecraft Zombie is a very annoying mob because it moves pretty fast and is hard to hit. In rare cases, a child zombie riding a “chicken” may appear!

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Other Types of Zombies in Minecraft? 

#01. Drown

A type of zombie that springs from dark places in rivers and the sea, and drowning zombies can turn into drowns. Besides walking, you will slowly approach the player while swimming in the water. Beware of long-range attacks by “trident” (javelin throw)!

Husk Type Zombie in Minecraft
Husk Type Zombie in Minecraft

#02. Husk 

A type of Minecraft zombie that springs up in the desert. When you are attacked, you will be “hungry” and your hunger gauge will decrease steadily. Also, it does not burn in the sunlight. Compared to ordinary zombies, it’s a troublesome opponent. 

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How to Defeat and Survive Against Zombies in Minecraft? 

#01. Don’t panic hit the attack button and repeat until you take down them. 

Zombies only move slowly towards you. In addition, players can attack longer distances than zombies. So if you don’t panic and face the zombies and hit the hit button repeatedly, you won’t lose. Be careful not to be too distracted by zombies and be killed by other mobs!

#02. Turn on the light to prevent Minecraft Zombie from coming out

Be sure to turn on the lights around your house or village to prevent zombies and other mobs from being emitted. I’m explaining how to turn on the light so that the mobs don’t come out, so please check it out.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.