Last Updated on: 18th September 2022, 06:49 pm

This is an article about the animal Bees (honeybee) that appears in Minecraft. It explains the behavior of honeybees, how to increase them, and where to find them. Bees are animals that can available in colonies, mainly on plains.
They are normally docile animals, but they poison the player by attacking them or by provoking their beehives. Honeybees are also known for collecting nectar from flowers. The nectar collected in the honeycomb can get as a “honey bottle” or “honeycomb“. Where do Bees live in Minecraft?
The place where bees live is mainly “plains” or “sunflower plains”. In either biome, they spawn in clusters around “beehives” hanging from trees. It is also very rare to find bees in forest biomes. Bees are surprisingly large, so they stand out even from a distance!
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Characteristics of Bees in Minecraft
Honeybees are unique in that they collect nectar from flowers. Honey bees fly around looking for flowers, and after a while after finding flowers, their appearance changes. After collecting nectar, the bees take it back to their home, the “hive” or “beehive” (beehive), where they hide.
After a while, the bees began to act again in search of flowers. By repeating this, the appearance of the honeycomb becomes full of nectar. Bees collecting nectar from flowers have the effect of accelerating the growth of crops such as wheat and carrots.
Crops grow by one stage when honeybees with honey pass over crops. This is the same effect as using “bonemeal” on crops. However, it doesn’t grow at once by flying around and has a cooldown, so you can’t expect a big effect with just one. If you want to use it effectively, it’s a good idea to release a lot of Minecraft Bees in a small, closed space.
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Bees Attack with Poison when Angry
If you anger the bees, they will attack the player with poison. At that time, the bees around you will also attack all at once, so be careful not to anger them. This is what bees get angry about:
- Attack a bee
- Destroy a beehive or beehive
- Collect the “honey bottle” from the beehive.
- Collect “honeycombs” from beehives.
Collecting a “honey bottle” means collecting a honeycomb filled with honey using an “empty bottle”. Collecting “honeycombs” means using “scissors” to collect honeycombs filled with honey. Both of these methods can also without anger by placing a ” bonfire ” under the hive.
A poisoned bee will die about a minute after it stops being angry. When bringing home or raising Minecraft Bees, be careful not to use poison. Especially in the integrated version (Switch version, smartphone version, PS4 version, etc.), bees move very fast, so be careful!
How to Grow Bees in Minecraft?
In order to increase the number of bees, it is OK to give various “flowers” to two bees. When you give flowers, a heart mark appears like other animals, so after a while, a baby bee is born. Also, children grow into adults over time, but you can make them grow faster by giving them flowers.
It is a method of bringing back the bees by collecting the beehive itself. The way to do it is to break the “beehive” while the bees are in the beehive. However, when destroying a beehive, be careful not to use a tool with the Silk Touch enchantment, otherwise, it will disappear. Any type of tool will do as long as you have a silk touch.
Silk Touch is an enchantment that allows you to collect blocks in their original state. Blocks that disappear when broken, such as glass, and blocks that change to cobblestone, such as stone, can obtain in their original state. can do. Also, when you break a bee nest, Minecraft Bees will attack if there are bees nearby, so be careful.
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