This is an article that explains how to obtain items that can be available as the lighting in Minecraft and their characteristics. It also explains how to use lighting and how easy it is to collect. Lighting in Minecraft is an item that plays a very important role.
The reason for this is that at night and in caves, it is dark and you cannot see your surroundings, so using lighting items will help you see better. Additionally, monsters don’t spawn in well-lit areas in Minecraft. Therefore, you should always put lights in your house and its surroundings to prevent monsters from appearing.
About Lighting in Minecraft
We will explain the characteristics of each lighting and the characteristics of items that can be available as lights.
#1. torch: Torches are the most commonly used lighting in Minecraft. The great feature of torches is that they are very easy to make. Anyway, it comes in large quantities, so if you want light over a wide area, this is it. Even though it’s called a torch, it never goes out and doesn’t start a fire.
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#2. Jack o lantern: Jack-O-Lanterns are easy to get once you have a pumpkin. Pumpkins can be grown and increased, so if you have one, you can increase it a lot. As a feature, it is a block, unlike Lighting Minecraft. Since it is a block, it can also be good in the air or the water.
Also, the pumpkin used for crafting is not normal, but a “decorated pumpkin”. Use scissors to cut out a pumpkin block to make a decorative pumpkin (a hollowed-out pumpkin).
Lanthanum: Lanterns are stylish-looking lights and are mainly used in architecture. It cannot be on the wall, but it can be from the ceiling. In addition, you can get 9 iron ingots, which are materials for crafting, by crafting “iron ingots” as they are for Lighting Minecraft. Iron ingots are often available, but there are many other uses for them, so be careful when making a lot of lanterns!
#4. Minecraft Glowstone
Glowstone is a block that can get into a different world Nether. This is also lighting as a block, so it can available in the air or underwater. The main way to obtain Glowstone is to directly pick up what comes in the Nether.
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Also, if you don’t use the Silk Touch as Lighting Minecraft enchantment when collecting it, it will drop as Glowstone dust, making it less efficient to collect. In addition, because of its distinctive appearance, it is often processed as an interior or street light by surrounding it with a ” trap door “.
#5. Sea Lantern
Sea lanterns have a beautiful and gentle appearance and are popular lighting in architecture. However, sea lanterns are also a difficult block to obtain. There are two ways to obtain Sea Lanterns. The first method is to directly collect the sea lanterns in the dungeon “Undersea Temple”.
The other is from the drop of the monster “Guardian” in the Undersea Temple. Either way, you need to be well prepared before attacking the Undersea Temple, so it’s hard to get them. If you have a ” Guardian Trap “, you can easily collect them, but making traps is very difficult.
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