Minecraft is an online and offline survival mode game where players have to make utilities for themselves with help of their surroundings. There are forests, jungles, deserts, oceans, snow mountains, glaciers etc.
Players can make pickaxes, shovels, axes, swords etc of wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond and netherite. Iron, gold and diamonds cen be obtained from mining. Also, nephrite can be obtained by mining in the nether world. You can go to nether using the nether portal and do bed mining or tnt mining.
At night, mobs spawn and damage you so, it is necessary to sleep at night or stay in your home to be safe. Sleeping makes the night much shorter that helps you protect yourself from mobs.
There are many animals too. You can kill enemies and cook food or make farms and make food out of it to increase health and hunger. Further, read the full article to know about how to tame and name a dog in Minecraft, an online and offline survival mode game.
How To Tame a Dog in Minecraft: Step-by-Step Guide
The dog is one of the most favourite pet among the players. It is quite difficult to tame it. Many new players want a dog as their pet but eventually can’t as they don’t know how to get it. Here’s a complete step-by-step guide on how to tame a dog.
Step-1: Find a dog. Players can find the dogs mainly in plains, forests and open area with trees. Also, they are usually found in bulk.
Step-2: After finding a dog, give it one bone. Players can get the bone from the skeleton. Also, it depends on your luck how it is. If it is good, the dog will be tamed in just two bones. However, if you are having a bad day, it might take up to 4-5 bones.
Step-3: When you have given enough bones, it will show hearts coming out of it. That means that it’s your pet now.
Step-4: After this, it will start following you.
Also, players must make sure to give it non-veg every day or, else, it will starve to death.
How To Name a Dog in Minecraft: Step-by-Step Guide
Players can follow the below given step-by-step guide to name your dog after taming it.
Step-1: Tame the dog first. Then, find a nametag. With the help of a fishing rod, or chests, a nametag can be found in oceans. However, it is very rare to get one. You can also get it by the villager trading method.
Step-2: After getting one, make an anville and put a name tag in it.
Step-3: Now, write the name whichever you want to give to your dog.
Step-4: Take the nametag out after writing the name and right-click on the dog by holding the nametag in hand.
Also Read: https://moroesports.com/2021/05/22/how-to-download-minecraft-for-free-in-mobile-detailed-steps/