Bringing The Doom Back: How To Regenerate The “Ender Dragon”

Regenerate the Ender Dragon
Regenerate the Ender Dragon

The Mighty Ender Dragon. The Demon that rules The End. It is the final boss that you have to defeat in order to complete the game. Well, it is not easy as it sounds. And we are sure that you don’t even want to regenerate the Ender Dragon living in the Dark. Believe us, when we say that it is not even in the wildest dreams of ours.

However, you have to do it. It’s not because you or we are Psychopaths. Or are we? But that is to complete the achievement of “The End..Again”. Yes, this achievement is what you get When you regenerate the Ender Dragon. And neither of us want to be near that ruthless creature when you awake it.

How to Regenerate Ender Dragon

There is only one way to bring the Ender Dragon if you want to complete the achievement. And that is by creating 4 Ender Crystals. However, it is not that easy. To create an End Crystal, you have to face grave dangers. You have to confront your deepest fears in the Nether. So, to create the End Crystals:-

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The first step in creating the End Crystals and to regenerate the Ender Dragon is to make glass. So to create 1 End Crystals, you will need 7 glasses. And, doing some math, we can say that you will need a total of 28 glasses to make 4 End Crystals. The Color of the glasses doesn’t matter.


Well, we assume that by reading the last step. You will think that it is going to be easy. So, let us just warn you. That the real danger is coming now. The next step is to get Ghast tears. Yes, you read that correctly. You have to kill that flying creature and get her Tear. Moreover, the chances of a Ghast dropping the Ghast tear is really low. So, good luck with that.


So the next step is to get the Ender Pearls. These Ender Pearls will help you in the crafting of something, in the future. But as we all know that these Ender Pearls are not easy to gather. Because the probability of getting one from an Enderman is very low. However, these Ender Pearls will help you to regenerate the Ender Dragon.

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So, the last step in this journey is to get Blaze Rods. And we think, that you know where this is headed. Yes, you need Blaze Rods to create Eyes of Ender. Now, that you know all the items. Go and gather them and then we will move to the last step.

Crafting the End Crystals

Regenerate the Ender Dragon
Crafting End Crystals

Once you have all these items that are mentioned above. Then you need to craft the End Crystals. Because these crystals will help you to regenerate the Ender Dragon. So, to craft the End Crystals:-

  1. Place a Ghast Tear at the bottom center slot of the 3×3 Crafting table.
  2. Then place an Eye of Ender above it. In the Middle slot.
  3. Now, cover the remaining Slots with Glasses.
  4. Your End crystals are ready. Move them in your inventory.
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Regenerating the Ender Dragon

Regenerate the Ender Dragon
Ender dragon

Now, we have the last task of regenerating the Ender Dragon. The steps for this task are really simple:-

Step:1- Go in the End.

Step:2- Place the End Crystals in the center of every Bedrock of the Portal Frame.

Step:3- Once you have placed all the End Crystals properly. It will start a Chain reaction and regenerate the End Crystals on the Obsidian Towers.

Step:4- then those regenerated crystals will regenerate the Ender dragon and you have to kill it again. That’s all.

Note:- You have to place the End crystals properly. Otherwise, they can not be reclaimed once placed. And if you will try to mine them, they will explode. So be careful.

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Akshit Thakur
Akshit Thakur
Getting better everyday.