Genshin Impact 2.6 LiveStream with All Detail

Last Updated on: 18th March 2022, 12:49 am

Genshin Impact 2.6 update Release Date, LiveStream with All Detail
Genshin Impact 2.6 update Release Date, LiveStream with All Detail

Genshin Impact 2.6 Release Date, LiveStream with All Detail: Genshin Impact’s latest version 2.6 will be released soon and for this players are very much hyped. Because they are expecting Ayato and The Chasm in it. Finally, after a long teasing, the five-star Hydro Sword user and a new region will also be added to the game.

Live Stream a.k.a (also known as) a special program will also be done for Genshin Impact 2.6 update by its developer to inform in-game content. Developers will uncover everything from Ayato’s playstyle to Chasm’s secrets in this live event.

So let’s find out the Genshin Impact 2.6 Live Stream date and release date for the world players.

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Genshin Impact 2.6 Livestream Expected Date: 

The Genshin Impact team has not confirmed any official date, but it is very easy to find out the date. Traditionally, the games live streams are held between 1:00 and 2:00 PM UTC+1 with a gap of 40-44 days.

The last Livestream for its 2.5 version was live on 4 February 2022 with the introduction of Yae Miko, The Chasm, and a lot more. If the developers are using a similar strategy for this version. The event should be held between 16-20 March at 1:00 PM (UTC+1).

There are strong chances that the Genshin Impact Livestream will live on 18 March 2022.

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Genshin Impact 2.6 Release Date:

There are many ways to find the exact release date for the 2.6 updates. Genshin Impact has a fixed 21-day banner cycle and a 42-day update cycle. According to the previous performances, game updates will be available from 30 March 2022.

However, the ongoing gateway events will end at 10:59 PM on 29 March 2022. Usually, the event ends when the game is going under maintenance. And next update rollout after 5 hours of maintenance.

Hence, the release date of version 2.6 for different regions is:

  • China (UTC+8)- March 30 at 11.00 am
  • IST- March 30 at 8.30 am
  • Pacific Time- March 29 at 8.00 pm
  • GMT- March 30 at 3.00 am
  • Australia- March 30 at 2.00 pm

Current Genshin Impact Of A-Dreaming Drink and Divine Ingenuity events are going on with version 2.5 with rerun banners for Raiden Shogun and Kokomi.

Also Read: Genshin Impact Bartender Event All Drink Recipes for ‘Of Drink A-Dreaming’


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