Fortnite Season 5 Week 5 Challenges: List & Guide to Complete

Last Updated on: 1st January 2021, 04:42 pm

Fortnite Season 5 Week 5 Challenges
A list of Fortnite Season 5 Week 5 Challenges

Fortnite has reached the fifth week of its Season 5 and it has come with new Fortnite Season 5 Week 5 Challenges. Fortnite is known to add theme based weekly challenges. For week 5 of the fifth season, Fortnite has chosen ‘Gnomes’ as the theme. Gnomes making their way from children’s storybooks to Fortnite is a quite unusual yet innovative step by Fortnite.

The Fortnite Season 5 Week 5 Challenges are crafted keeping in mind players at all levels in Fortnite. The challenges overall are not very difficult.  The players can earn a lot of XP and can also get a chance to hunt for some treasure chests and ammo crates. The challenges for various levels for week 5, season 5 are:

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Tier I:-

  • In Retail Row, dig up the Blue XP coin
  • Take damage while in a crouched position

Tier II:-

  • Dig out the Gnomes in Fort Crumpet and Pleasant Park
  • Look for treasure chests and ammo crates
  • Collect the Gnomes in Holy Hedges and Fort Crumpet
  • In Retail Row or Fort Crumpet, bury the Gnomes

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Legendary Tier:-

  • Destroy the IO guards
Fortnite Season 5 Week 5 Challenges:
Fortnite Intel

Fort Crumpet is a hot location for the new challenges and is seeing a lot of action right now. But it also comes with a chance to have an adventurous gaming experience with some good reward collecting opportunities.

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The various challenges require the Gnomes to be dug, collected, or buried by the players. This could be a wee bit difficult for players to manage. Another challenge that will require a lot of effort will be destroying the IO guards in Legendary Tier. The IO guards are crafted to be quite powerful characters. It is not going to be easy to kill them.

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But the challenge is also suitably rewarded as killing a total of 50 IO guards will render a whopping 55 thousand XP. The challenges are on now and make sure you take the best advantage of them before they are removed.

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Gaurav Priyanshu Singh
Gaurav Priyanshu Singh
Gaurav is an Engineer by profession who joined MoroEsports in November 2020. As a writer, he covers both mobile and PC games.