Epic is continuously launching back to back many campaigns aiming to target companies like Apple and Google and following the same trend Epic has released the Free Fortnite campaign. The newest Epic “Free Fortnite” campaign is gifting the famous social media influencers a parcel which consists of a jacket and a Samsung Tablet.
It is being evident from few days that Apple and Epic are in a legal battle over some issues related to Fortnite Battle Royale. Epic is not at all ready to pay Apple a cut for their in-app purchases. Epic is trying to prevent itself from paying a huge cut to Apple company.
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The fact that is providing heat to the overall concept of trolling of Apple by Epic is that the packaging of the gifting box resembles that of the Apple one. The box is designed in white color that replicates the packing and designing of the Apple Box. The jacket in the box has a logo that has rainbow stripes on it, in the case of the logo as well Epic has drawn inspirations from the logo of Apple.
Fortnite: Epic Continues to Troll Apple With Free Fortnite Campaign
If we talk about the font of the phrase “Free Fortnite” is also similar to that which Apple has used once. From this, it can be inferred that the war between Apple and Epic is getting personal with each move made by Epic.
😳 #freefortnite pic.twitter.com/HUtZwkO4D1
— Greg Miller (@GameOverGreggy) December 21, 2020
The package also consists of a letter which reads,” Fornite was named the Samsung Galaxy Store Game of the Year for 2020. In celebration, we’ve teamed up with Samsung to send you a special box of #FreeFortnite gear. While Fortnite may not currently be available on the App Store or Google Play, you can still get the latest Fortnite updates directly from the Epic Games app on the Galaxy Store. Spread the word, #FreeFortnite.”
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From the letter, it is quite evident that Epic is trying to cut down its relation with both Google and Apple in each and every way possible and trying very hard to give a tough competition to Apple by launching new and different campaigns by each passing day.
The tension between both companies is getting high. If Epic manages to win over Apple then it is for sure that Epic will attract big companies with the aim of collaborating with Epic and will set an example for others.