Fortnite Browser Game: How to play through XBox Gaming?

Players can access the Fortnite Browser Game through the service of Xbox Cloud Gaming Pass.

Last Updated on: 11th July 2023, 02:58 am

Fortnite Browser Game
Xbox Cloud Gaming Fortnite (image via. fortnite)

Fortnite is one of the most popular battle royale games in this decade with a massive player base. Players often want to access the game through a variety of platforms like Windows, Mac, Consoles, Androids, etc. However, for those unaware Fortnite Browser Game is available to be played online, but with a little catch.

Browser games have many advantages over their installed counterparts. You need not worry about any hardware requirements as most of the heavy duty rendering is already done by the browser. You also do not need to install the game or have it take space on your device. Moreover, you can access it completely for free and also transfer your account freely.

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Fortnite Browser Game: XBox Cloud Gaming

YouTube: Xbox

Xbox Cloud Gaming allows users to play Fortnite on your iOS mobile device, Android smartphone, PC, and also tablets through the web browser. This is a browser exclusive system and cannot be used from the XBox mobile app. However, you need to have the Game Pass Ultimate from Xbox in order to access this service.

You can run the game on Microsoft Edge, Chrome and Safari browsers. Players need to know that this service is exclusive only to these browser, and trying to access through another browser will not work.

Players need to simply visit from one of the recommended browsers in order to start playing. If your Microsoft Account is linked to your Epic Games account, you can even migrate your account data to the browser version to have the cosmetics unlocked. However, there are some regions in the world where this service is not available so visit this site in order to know if your region is available.

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System Requirements

YouTube: Spite Skate

There are minimum system requirements for the OS of your system, but nothing major to deter you from playing. Android players must have Android 6.0 or higher and Windows users need Windows 10 and above.

Other than that, you will need a good internet connection to play the game smoothly. A minimum on 20 Mbps or higher on PC, and 7Mbps or higher on mobile devices are the minimum network requirements you would need. After connecting to the game, players can use controllers or keyboards according to their preference. Mobile devices will have a touch pad to control the characters.

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However, if you face any major issues with launching the game, follow Epic Game’s troubleshooting cloud gaming post for more details.

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