What’s New (and Different) in Apex Legends Mobile from the Main game?

What's the Difference between Apex Legends Mobile and the Main Game?
What’s the Difference between Apex Legends Mobile and the Main Game?

Apex Legends Mobile is the latest battle royale game in the market and getting more popular with every second. But many players want to know the key differences between the main Apex Legends and the Apex Legends Mobile version. Or which is better? In this blog post you will read about the 5 major key differences between Apex Legends Mobile and the head family. So, in order to learn more about the latest game in the market, keep reading this blog post till the end…

#01. Apex Legends Mobile Difference: Limited mode “Team Deathmatch”

In the mobile version, battle royale (casual rank match) and the arena will be implemented in the same way as the original family. In addition, the mobile version will be equipped with a mobile version-only mode “Team Deathmatch”.

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What is Team Deathmatch? 

In the mode often seen in FPS, 2 teams (6 people per team in the case of Apex) defeat the enemy a certain number of times ahead. In most FPS games, you can respawn immediately even if you are defeated.

I don’t know if the rank match will be implemented in the limited mode “Team Deathmatch” and “Arena” where the rank match is implemented in the head family, but it may be implemented in the future.

Apex Legends Difference
What’s New (and Different) in Apex Legends Mobile from the Main game?

#02. Apex Legends Difference: Profile Card Implementation 

The mobile version will implement a profile card. At the head family, only banner cards were used, but profile cards carry more information, so you can customize it to your liking. Legends who are available to participate in the war: 


  1. Icon
  2. Player name
  3. Current rank
  4. Highest ranking total
  5. Kill & average damage in total
  6. Number of legends released
  7. Skins and weapon skins of legends in possession
  8. Top 3 legends in usage rate
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#03. Apex Legends Difference: 9 Legends are Available 

At the head of the family, there are quite a lot of 20 people (as of season 12), but at the stage where the current situation is known, it is known that 9 legends can be used in the mobile version. 

In addition to the basic characters, characters appearing up to Season 1 are coming to the mobile version. I don’t know if the additional pace will be one for each season of the mobile version, but I think that we will continue to participate in the race from the head family in the future.

#04. You can choose a map and play

Apex Legends Mobile Minimum Requirements: Minimum Specs, Size & More!
Apex Legends Mobile Minimum Requirements: Minimum Specs, Size & More!

In casual matches, you can select and play the map you want to play from “Kings Canyon” and “World’s Edge” Isn’t this a feature that the head family also wants? Furthermore, Unlike the original weapons, most weapons have a large number of bullets per magazine.

Also Read:  Apex Legends Arena Mode: The Only Guide You Need

#05. You can’t play with PC / CS machines

Apex Legends Difference is at the head family, you can play PC / CS machines (PS / XBOX / Switch) by cross-play. But the mobile version cannot be playing with PC / CS machines because it is only available for specifically for smartphones.

This time, I explained the difference between the original Apex and the mobile version and the new elements of the mobile version. If there are any mistakes or other new elements, please let us know in the comments and DM on Twitter


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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.