Minecraft End City: How to Find the End City in Minecraft?

21/09/2022 | Minecraft End City: How to Find the End City in Minecraft? | Credit: Mojang
21/09/2022 | Minecraft End City: How to Find the End City in Minecraft? | Credit: Mojang

This is an article about how to find the dungeon End City that appears in Minecraft. It’s hard to find, but it’s worth the effort, so prepare yourself and go find it! An end city is a dungeon that exists in another world, “The End”. To get to the End City, you must defeat the Ender Dragon in The End. You should also explore for items that can only get here, such as shulker shells and elytra.

How to Find the End City in Minecraft?

If you’re unlucky, you can walk around thousands of blocks and still not find an End City. Therefore, be sure to prepare well before searching for the End City. If you haven’t beaten the ender dragon yet, read this article. As a side note, you can get as many Ender Pearls as you want by killing Endermen in The End.

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Therefore, it is OK if the number of ender pearls is at least before departure and replenished on the way. In addition, if you want to capture the Minecraft End City as it is, let’s prepare for this as well. It is also recommended to set the drop resistance and item bonus enchantments as high as possible. The maximum fall resistance is IV. The maximum item bonus is III.

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Throw an ender pearl into a portal

When you’re ready, go find the Minecraft End City. To find an end city, first look for a portal like this. This portal appears after defeating the Ender Dragon. They are mostly found outside floating islands where the Ender Dragon resides.

You can’t touch it directly, but you can use it by throwing an “ender pearl” into the center of this portal. By doing so, warp to a place over 1000 blocks away. There is a similar portal at the end of the warp, so you can return to the original place by throwing an ender pearl toward it.

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To be precise, you can go to the Minecraft End City without defeating the Ender Dragon, but you cannot return to the surface without defeating it. Also, let’s defeat the ender dragon first in order to make the portal appear.

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Sunday, 18 September 2022 Top 5 Best Tips and Tricks about The End in Minecraft!

Points to note when using the Portal

Be careful when using ender pearls on portals! Ender pearls are items that teleport the player to where they are. Therefore, if the ender pearl misses its target Minecraft End City and falls into the abyss, it is possible to die instantly and lose all items. To avoid this, stack the blocks and throw them at close range.

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You can use portals by swimming without using ender pearls. All you have to do is use a bucket of water to fill the top of the portal with water, then swim to touch the center of the portal. While swimming, the height of the player is 1 square, so it is possible to pass through portals that have only a 1 square gap.

If you successfully warp using the portal, you will go to a place with many chorus fruits (purple trees). A Minecraft End City exists somewhere in the land with this chorus fruit. However, if you are unlucky, you may not find it easily, and you may have to travel thousands of blocks, so we would like to take measures to return safely.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.