Minecraft End City Items, Ships, Capture, and More!

21/09/2022 | Minecraft End City Items, Ships, Capture, and More! | Credit: MOjang
21/09/2022 | Minecraft End City Items, Ships, Capture, and More! | Credit: MOjang

This is a walkthrough article about the dungeons End City and End Ship that appear in Minecraft. In particular, it is necessary to take countermeasures against the difficult enemy Shulker. An end city is a dungeon that exists in another world, “The End. To get to the End City, you must defeat the Ender Dragon in The End.

You should also explore for items that can only get here, such as shulker shells. It’s like a hidden dungeon that you can go to after defeating the so-called final boss. End ships are floating ships that generate in end cities.

Inside there are items that can only get here, such as “Elytra”. However, end ships are not always generated within end cities. Randomly generated as part of the End City. According to the expert experience, we see it with a probability of about 1/2 or 1/3 per End City.

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Are items available in the End City of Minecraft? 

After all, the centerpiece is the shulker shell and elytra. The “Shulker Box”, which can create from shulker shells, is an item that can be good as a special chest. A shulker box is a chest that can store in a bag without dispersing items even if it is going to break. “Elytra” is an item that can fly in the sky. It can fly around at high speed, making it much easier to move around. Also, Elytra and Dragon Heads can only get from End Ships.

21/09/2022 | Minecraft End City: How to Find the End City in Minecraft? | Credit: Mojang
21/09/2022 | Minecraft End City: How to Find the End City in Minecraft? | Credit: Mojang

End City Capture

As soon as you find an End City Minecraft, you want to go inside and explore, but there is a formidable enemy “Shulker” waiting at the entrance. There are monsters called shuckers waiting at the entrance and inside of the end city. Shulker attacks by shooting bullets from the spot without moving. This bullet slowly chases the player. And when it hits, it grants a “floating” state for 10 seconds. In the floating state, the body gradually rises into the air.

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It will be quite high in 10 seconds, so you may receive a lot of damage when you fall when the levitation. Furthermore, the number of seconds remaining in the floating state will be overwritten, so if you attack continuously, there is a possibility that you will float to a height where you will surely fall to death in End City Minecraft.

How to Deal with Shulkers in Minecraft? 

Sunday, 18 September 2022 Top 5 Best Tips and Tricks about The End in Minecraft!
Sunday, 18 September 2022 Top 5 Best Tips and Tricks about The End in Minecraft!

The easiest way to deal with this is to set the difficulty to pieces. Shuckers will not disappear even if the difficulty is set to a piece, and they will not attack you, so you can defeat them with confidence.

If you want to deal with stalkers other than that way, you want the enchantment “fall resistance”. The shulker’s bullets can defeat by attacking, but it’s troublesome because it will chase you all the time unless it hits a block.

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If you are in the city, use the End City Minecraft ceiling. Since the end city has a structure with a protrusion on the ceiling, it is possible to get caught on the ceiling even in a floating state. You can either hold up your shield and wait for the floating to disappear, or use your pickaxe to escape inside the building.

Note that even if you block the attack with a shield, you will be floating. Also, if you are unlucky enough to the sky, throw the ender pearl toward the ground before the levitation ends. Then you can reduce the fall damage by teleporting.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.