Top 5 Best Tips & Tricks for Minecraft Potions Brewing

Top 5 Tips & Tricks for Minecraft Potions Brewing
08/09/2022 | Minecraft Horse and Brewing Stand for Potions | Credit: Mojang

Minecraft Potions Brewing is the item that strengthens the player for a certain period of time. There are 15 types available in Minecraft Survival, and there are 21 types including those that have no effect and those that are limited to the integrated version (BE). Right-click and hold to drink.

Potions can be obtained from monster drops or naturally generated potions, but since the number and types are limited by that method, basically the player will brew (generate) and use it himself. The flow of potion generation is as follows:

Step-1: Collect items for brewing
Step 2: Make a strange potion (potion concentrate)
Step-3: Create effective potions

As long as you have all the materials, it’s not difficult to create potions (collecting materials is hard work).

#1. Preparing Tools for Potions Brewing in Minecraft

Potions are brewed using a brewing stand (a mixing stand in BE), a water bottle (a glass bottle filled with water), and blaze powder. Let’s prepare them first. Brewing stand. Materials are stone and blaze rod.

It is also placed in the village church. Blaze Rods, used to craft Brewing Stands, are obtained by defeating Blazes in Nether Fortresses. Nether wart, the raw material for strange potions (incomplete potions in BE), is also only available in nether fortresses.

This is Minecraft’s message: “If you want to make potions, go to the Nether.” Be well prepared and go to the Nether to pick up materials. Starting with Java version 1.9, brewing stands require blaze powder as fuel (one powder can brew 20 times).

Blaze powder for Minecraft Potions Brewing is available from 1 blaze rod to 2. Don’t forget to collect blaze rods in the Nether. Glass bottles can be crafted from 3 glasses to use as containers for potions. For glass, it is OK if you burn red sand in a furnace.

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How to make a glass bottle. If you try to make a lot, it will take a lot of time to refine the sand, so make it all at once when you notice. Boil water in the glass bottle you made. If you have one water source, you can fill it infinitely, so it’s a good idea to keep it near the brewing stand.

#2. Brewing Strange Minecraft Potions

Most potions are made by adding ingredients to a strange potion (incomplete potion in BE). This means that at least two brewing steps are required: a water bottle → strange potion → each potion.

Make lots of weird potions and stock up on them so you can make them quickly when you need them. Brewing stand item set screen. There are 5 slots for items. Set the blaze powder in the slot where the shape of the blaze powder is slightly displayed on the upper left (stackable).

If you connect a hopper from the side of the brewing stand, you can automatically replenish this slot. The slot above the bin is where you set the ingredients that will be added to the bin. A hopper connected to the top of the brewing stand for Minecraft Potions allows automatic replenishment of this slot.

The bottom three slots hold water bottles (water bottles in BE) or potions. Items in this slot can be sucked out by the hopper under the brewing stand, but they will also suck up the water bottles you set in them, so you’ll need to control them with a Redstone circuit to make them work properly.

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Set 3 water bottles and nether wart to make a strange potion at first. How to make a strange potion? Brewing will start automatically when you have three things: fuel, bottle, and ingredients.

How to make Potions in Minecraft?
Thursday, 8 September 2022 | Minecraft Potions with the main character and Sword | Credit: Mojang

#3. Brew a Potent Potion

You can set 1 or 2 bottles, but fuel and materials will always be consumed once regardless of the number of bottles, so brewing with 3 bottles is the most productive. Each potion takes 20 seconds to brew. When the brewing is finished, there will be a popping sound, and the water bottle will turn into a strange potion.

Add ingredients to the strange potion that was completed earlier to create an effective potion. This time, let’s make a potion of night vision as an example. As long as you haven’t taken out any weird potions, you can just set the ingredients as is.

Brewing a golden carrot into a strange Minecraft Potions will turn it into a potion of night vision. You don’t have to keep the brewing stand screen open all the time until it’s finished. It’s a little long to wait and too short to work but let’s wait for the completion while observing the state of the livestock nearby.

#04. Reversal of Effect

Some potions are created by biting ferment spider eyes into potions to alter their effects. For example, adding a fermented spider eye to a potion of night vision will create a potion of invisibility.

Fermented Spider Eye is an ingredient that reverses the effect. If the effect of healing or poison is reversed, it becomes a wound effect, if the effect of agility or jumping is reversed, it becomes a slowing effect, and if the effect of night vision is reversed, it becomes a transparency effect. Only potions of weakness can be crafted by adding fermented spider eyes to a water bottle.

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#5. Brewing Potions Extension in Minecraft

Most potions can be extended with Redstone dust. The potion of invisibility you made earlier can also be extend from 3 minutes to 8 minutes by adding Redstone dust. How to make a potion of invisibility (extension).

Hover over the finished potion to see that its duration has been extend. There are many Potions that seem to last for a short time under normal conditions, so it’s better to extend the ones that can be extend.

#6. Enhancing Potions

Some potions have even stronger effects when you add Glow Stone dust to them. Adding Glow Stone dust to a potion of healing. Potions of Healing double the amount of health restored from 2 hearts to 4 hearts when enhanced. In the case of healing potions, there are no disadvantages, so basically it’s a good idea to use them after strengthening them.

However, potions with a fix duration, such as potions of regeneration and potions of agility, have the disadvantage that their duration is half when strengthen, so be careful. Once a potion has been extende or strengthen, it cannot be restore. Older versions of Java could overwrite with the last bitten material, but version 1.9 no longer does that.

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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.