5 Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft 1.18: Try Them

Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft
Merry Christmas

With the spirit of Christmas in everyone’s heart and the air. This is the time of year When people love to celebrate their joy and share it with others. The time of year when very streets are filled with lights and Snowmen. Candy canes and Ginger Bread Man. The Time of Christmas is something different. And to top it off, here are 5 Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft.

These ideas are cool. Got it? Cool! Huh, never mind. Moreover, these ideas are very easy to make and they are very pretty to watch. And some of these ideas might elevate your base design. Who knows? All Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft are credited to BBlocks, a very talented Youtuber. 

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1. Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft: Snowmen

Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft

What is the first thing comes to our mind when we think about winter and Christmas? Snowmen! A Snowman is a very iconic thing at Christmas. So to replicate that, you can build a Snowman in Minecraft. It is very easy to make it and they look really cute in your base.

2. Snowball Machine 

The next thing of our Christmas Build ideas in Minecraft list is the Snowball Machine. Imagine yourself having a snowball fight with your friends, and suddenly you take out your Snowball Machine. That is when you turn the tables to your side. Moreover, this Machine is very easy to make and to use too.

3. Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft: Sleds 

sleds in Minecraft

One more activity that we all love to do on Christmas is to ride our sleds on the icy roads with our friends. Well, we can’t make that happen in Minecraft. Yet, we can build sleds for ourselves. You can have different sleds for you and your friends. And have competitions about who makes better sleds.

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4. Candy Canes

Candy Canes
Candy canes

Having these in your base will surely give you and your friends, that feeling of Christmas. The Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft that we are going to tell you is something special. It is to make candy canes and place them in your garden. And you can use different colors to have different types of Candy canes. So that you get the best version matching the theme of your base.

5. Decorating the Christmas Tree

Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft
Christmas tree

The last thing on our list is to Decorate The Christmas Tree. As we are discussing the Spirit of Christmas, We thought that it should end with the iconic Christmas tree. You can have a big Christmas Tree on your base. You can also decorate it with lights and Socks and Candy canes.

So, we hope that this Christmas may be very special and be very Joyous for you. And that these Christmas Build Ideas in Minecraft be helpful for you.

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Akshit Thakur
Akshit Thakur
Getting better everyday.