Last Updated on: 30th August 2021, 07:10 pm

Automatic Minecraft Farm: So, you have recently started your world. And you have made a nice Shelter for yourself. But now comes the difficult part of manually doing every work. From planting crops to harvesting them, constantly going on mining to replenish the resources. Worry not, because you are going to be enlightened by the knowledge of building an “Automatic Minecraft farm”.
What are Automatic Farms?
Well, you work very much in Minecraft. You like to go on adventures, exploring new places. But suddenly, you realize that your crops are to be harvested. You need to go mining again to find Iron. Now imagine that the same work, but done by itself. You just sleep and the next day chestful of crops, iron, and much more is waiting for you. That is what an Automatic farm does.
Here are the 5 starter Automatic Minecraft Farm. They are very easy to make and you can make them as big as your convenience.
Farm 1:- Semi-Automatic Crop Farm

The very first farm you need to build is a Semi-Automatic Crop Farm. It will keep you alive as food is the basic thing, but it will also provide items to trade with farmers. You can decide the repetition of the farm as per your will.
To build the Semi-Automatic Crop Farm, items required:-
- Pistons – 8
- Sand – 8
- Redstone – As much as your build requires
- Lever – 1
- Hopper – 1
- Chest/ Barrels – 2/ 1
- Water – 8 Buckets
Farm 2:- Automatic Farm for Bone meal
Bone meal comes very handy when you need to grow anything, immediately. But making bone meal requires so much raw material and time. Thus to solve this, here are the items to make an Automatic Minecraft Farm for Unlimited bone meal:-
- Sand – 8
- Fences – 8
- Any Building Block – as requirements
- Hopper – 2
- Composter – 1
- Chest/ Barrel – 1/2
- Water – 2 Buckets
- Glass – as required
Farm 3:- Sugarcane Automatic Farm

After, you have gathered food made yourself a shelter. The next phase is the phase of trading and gathering powerful items and enchantments. But in order to do so, you have to, first, make a Village. As villagers are the key to get powerful enchantments, food, resources, and much more.
So, sugarcane is the key to this problem. As the paper is crafted through sugarcane, which is then used to trade with librarians. Thus, paper is very necessary. To make a Sugarcane Automatic Minecraft Farm, you will require:-
- Glasses – as required
- Water – 2 Buckets
- Hoppers – 2
- Chests/Barrels – 2/1
- Pistons – 5
- Observers – 5
- Building Blocks – as required
- Redstones – 5
- Sugarcane – 5
This Farm is although, working very nice, but you have to make it a bit bigger to have a proper supply of sugarcane. Try to make the same farm, just copy that to multiple floors.
NOTE: You can also use this farm for Bamboo by simply replacing Sugarcane by Bamboo to build a sugarcane automatic farm.
Farm 4:- Unlimited Iron Automatic Farm
All the farms mentioned above are useless without this one. Iron is the most important resource in Minecraft. As it allows you to build so much. E.g. Hoppers, Rail Tracks, Armour, Tools, Workstations, etc. And it is not good that you are in the middle of enchanting and your anvil breaks. Who has the time to go to mine iron again? At this point, this Farm is extremely useful.
Items required for this farm:-
- Beds – 3
- Villagers – 3
- lava – 4 buckets
- Building Blocks – as required
- Wooden Signs – 8
- Hoppers – 1
- Water – 2 buckets
- Work stations – 3
- Black-Tinted-glass – as required
- Zombie – 1
- Chests – 2
Farm 5:- Infinite Mob-XP Farm
As all farms, mentioned above focus on survival and gathering of important items. Items that are required to make you more powerful. Yet all those farms are a waste if you don’t have an XP Generator. You can’t enchant anything without certain levels of experience. This farm is great to grind XP in no time. The required items for the construction of this farm are:-
- Building Blocks – as required
- Water – 8 buckets
- Trapdoors – 48
- Hoppers – 4
- Chests/Barrels – 2/1
So, there you go. With this, we have completely covered all the necessary Automatic Minecraft Farms that you must consider as soon as you start playing. If you have any type of doubt or questions or suggestions for us, please feel free to comment.
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