Wu Shang in Brawlhalla: The Wandering Monk

Wu Shang has an amazing Lore and history. Find his signatures, stats and much more about him here.

Last Updated on: 13th September 2021, 10:53 pm

wu shang brawlhalla
Wu Shang The Breaker in Brawlhalla

Wu Shang in Brawlhalla: Wu Shang, a character that is underrated by most players. There is a long history of Wu Shang as well. A long history of Brawlhalla follows as you go through the Lore of Wu Shang. We’ll discuss here the Lore, the character signature set, stats, combos, and skins like frog, Po, the breaker, etc of Wu Shang here in Brawlhalla.

Wu Shang in Brawlhalla: The Lore of the Wandering Monk

Wu Shang was not a monk from the beginning. He used to work under an Emperor leading his armies to victory after victory. Although, one day Wu Shang quit his role and left working under the Emperor. Without any money and covered in rags he met the monastery.

This exact monastery completely altered his view on killing people. After which he never actually hurt anyone. Wu Shang pledged his life to the monastery and helped out hundreds of people. Completely contradictory to what he was before. Even the actual meaning of Wu Shang is to accidentally hurt someone.

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He still fought soldiers without actually hurting them at all but yet defeating them. And now finally he’s working under Kor learning how to move platforms. Did you know that Kor was the one who moved platforms on the Blackguard Keep?

Wu Shang Stats in Brawlhalla:


Wu Shang has decent Dexterity and overall balanced stats. Although for Spear high dexterity is quite not required. But for Gauntlets, you can do crazy strings with high dex. 5 defense characters are not glass cannons but you can’t expect them to last longer as well.

Gauntlets are the current ‘meta’ of Brawlhalla just because of the 3-piece combo they possess. Although, a spear combined with the most broken weapon is not a bad choice at all. If you’re new to the game you can have a lot of fun playing the character.

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Have you found out how to complete the Reverse Signature Quest in Brawlhalla yet?

Wu Shang Signature Set in Brawlhalla:

Wu Shang signatures consist of some of the fastest signatures even including 3-part signatures in them. Furthermore, Wu Shang can become a really annoying legend to fight against if you don’t know his hitboxes and signatures. High Dex also allows you insane combos with Wu Shang in Brawlhalla.

Gauntlet Signatures:

  1. Side: Basically like a dunk signature that can KO opponents at low health.
  2. Down: Almost like Mako’s Down Signature on the sword and can drop if held for long.
  3. Neutral: For catching the jumps of your opponents or even spot dodges in air. Almost unreactable.
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Spear Signatures:

  1. Side: Probably one of the fastest side signatures in-game
  2. Down: A really weird hitbox and really good for edge guards.
  3. Neutral: Catching jumps (basically like gauntlets Nsig)

Other Wu Shang Skins and their Costs (In Mammoth Coins):

  • Wu Shang Kong (140)
  • Seeker Wu Shang (140)
  • Wu Shang the Breaker (140)
  • Djinn Wu Shang (140)
  • Ranno Wu Shang (140) (Also called Wu Shang the Frog in Brawlhalla)
  • Perfect Wu Shang (200)
  • Po (300)

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Nikunj Patel
Nikunj Patel
Nikunj is a young and aspiring writer who is also interested in gaming. He is constantly looking forward to progress further into the field he works for.