Home Overwatch Will Overwatch 2 Have a New Underwater Map Soon?

Will Overwatch 2 Have a New Underwater Map Soon?

Overwatch 2 will probably have a new underwater map in the game soon

overwatch 2 new underwater map
3/11/2022 | Overwatch 2 showing the Wrecking Ball underwater | Credits: Naeri Overwatch on Twitter

Overwatch 2 has offered a great graphics and balance except for the few bugs here and there. Meanwhile the Overwatch 2 Season 2 will be releasing soon and will be having more new skins, maps and a brand new battle-pass. We may also have a possible Underwater Map in Overwatch 2 very soon.

Will Overwatch 2 Have a New Underwater Map Soon?

According to a recent tweet from Naeri we have the possibilities of 6 different maps. But she has now specially mentioned the underwater maps twice. Also highlighting the fact that there ‘might’ be a new Underwater Map in Overwatch 2.

Additionally you may find the destination “Atlantic Arcology” on the train route indicators in Midtown and Esperanca. Many curious players have been asking what the destination is because it is not mentioned in any earlier Overwatch lore. It is mentioned in Hyperloop as well.

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The Concept of Underwater Maps:

This concept was actually an old one and someone pitched the idea of a ‘Galapagos‘ map prediction before as well. Although, it was 2 years ago and Overwatch probably scraped the idea back then. A group of islands in the Pacific Ocean make up the Galapagos. During Overwatch’s development, a Galapagos map was proposed. According to reports, the map would have used a two-capture-point arrangement.

A concept of architectural design in which an ideal metropolis is housed within one enormous vertical building, thereby decreasing wasteful consumption and maintaining the natural surroundings is called an arcology. Essentially, a city enclosed within a huge artificial building. By starting this with “Atlantic,” it is implied that this refers to a little underwater arcology in the centre of the Atlantic Ocean.

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And that is why the idea is more significant now. And you can expect the new map for Overwatch to show up soon. Probably during the release of Overwatch 2 Season 2 (which will be on Dec 6, 2022). You can keep enjoying the Overwatch 2 Halloween Terror event before the release of season 2.

Underwater Gameplay Mechanics:

In the Underwater gameplay Soldier76 would not be of much use. Rather players would prefer Tracer as her DPS more often. Lucio or even Wrecking ball won’t be able to have a competitive advantage over almost anyone. The Tesla cannon of Winston and almost any heroes with electric related abilities should deal friendly damage as well. Players good with Pharah, Genji, Hanzo, Kiriko and Echo can take full advantage of the map.

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And that’s all about the Overwatch 2 new Underwater map. Let us know in the comments down below how you think the mechanics of the game will change.

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