Home Fortnite Where to Find Toona Fish Bottle? – All Locations in Fortnite

Where to Find Toona Fish Bottle? – All Locations in Fortnite

Where are all the Toona Fish Color Bottle locations in Fortnite? Find out all the 21 different color bottles with their locations at the end.


Last Updated on: 23rd September 2021, 07:45 pm

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Toona Fish Bottle Locations in Fortnite: Toona Fish Bottle is used to customize the Toona Fish outfit in Fortnite. The concept of the Toona Fish outfit is actually quite simple. It is a customizable outfit like the Kymera outfit. Although, you have 21 different colors to work with this time around.

What is The Toona Fish Outfit About?

The Toona Fish Outfit is a really cool 2D-looking outfit that you can get in Season 8 of Fortnite. What’s amazing about the outfit is that you can actually customize it on your own. Once you start getting the color bottles and unlocking the colors one by one, you can get your own Toona Fish customizable skin.

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After you unlock each of the colors, you can paint them on the Toona Fish outfit to get a combination of those colors that you desire. The parts of Toona Fish that you can color are – head, cap, shoes, gloves, arms, legs, socks, and scarf.

So if you want to get a cool-looking skin with your own color combinations on it, you will have 21 colors to work with. All of this is just to customize the skin that looks like fish sticks in Fortnite.

Have you finished the quests from Baba Yaga at the Mending Machine yet?

Find All Toona Fish Bottle Fortnite Locations:


Below are all the colors you can use for the Toona Fish Outfit and their locations in Fortnite:

  1. Ruby Red – Northeast of Coral Castle towards the top beside the island
  2. Leafy Green – Directly above Pleasant Park beside the Satellite Dish
  3. Frozen Blue – Exactly in Coral Castle
  4. Desert Sand – Between Coral Castle and Pleasant Park
  5. Pumpkin Orange – North of Corny Crops
  6. Cuddly Pink – At Steamy Stacks
  7. Knightly Crimson – Fort Crumpet, West of Believer’s Beach
  8. Codename G.R.N – Corny Crops
  9. Mesmerizing Violet – South of Believer’s Beach at the new location
  10. Renegade Red – Boney Burbs
  11. Robotic Grey – West of Dirty Docks
  12. Crystalline Blue – Near the South of Dirty Docks
  13. Banana Yellow – Southwest of Holly Hedges
  14. Recruit Green – Weeping Woods
  15. Diamond Blue – Right below the Aftermath
  16. Brite Purple – Retail Row
  17. Ghoulish Green – West of Sludgy Swamps
  18. Slurp Turquoise – At Sludgy Swamps
  19. Y-Labs Magenta – Misty Meadows
  20. Midas Gold – Catty Corner
  21. Stone Grey – South of Misty Meadows
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And these are all the 21 different locations of each of the Fortnite Toona Fish Color Bottle. In order to unlock one color, you’ll have to walk up to their holographic bottles floating on ground.

Once you’ve collected all three bottles of an individual color you’ll have the color to edit within the lobby. Also let us know your favorite color from these 21 in the comments down below.

For more such Fortnite news, updates, leaks, skin covers, and much more keep following us here.

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