Rocket League Knight Rider Hitbox

The Knight Rider Car Pack DLC will be available on July 22 for $1.99 which also includes K.I.T.T. Wheels and K.I.T.T. Gullwing Topper. Sorry, self-driving capabilities are not included! In this article, you will get to know about Knight Rider Hitbox or K.I.T.T in Rocket League.

Last Updated on: 9th July 2021, 10:43 pm

Rocket League Knight Rider Hitbox
Rocket League Knight Rider Hitbox

Rocket League players may think that a particular car is faster or has a stronger boost than others. Well, it’s not like that the only difference between the cars in the game is their Hitboxes. In this article, you will get to know about Knight Rider Hitbox or K.I.T.T in Rocket League.

Rocket League Car Hitboxes

The hitbox regulates how the ball and other cars interconnect with each other. Hitbox takes into almost everything i.e. consideration length, weight, height, surface, and volume.

K.I.T.T. rocket boost icon
Rocket boost icon