Last Updated on: 8th October 2022, 11:32 am

Overwatch 2 has just launched and some players are rightfully calling it no short of a ‘disaster’ because of the bugs it has been facing. Although, the game mechanics and improvements for balanced gameplay are a lot better. On the other hand, there are a lot of bugs simultaneously which include the Overwatch 2 characters being locked bug for older players, long matching queues, and players not being able to log in to the game.
What is the Overwatch 2 Locked Characters Bug?

For the older players of Overwatch (1), the characters have to be unlocked again by everyone. This is when you open Overwatch 2 for the first time. But this bug is not addressing the same issue. The issue with this bug is that even if you’ve played some matches in Overwatch 2 already and made progress in the Battle Pass to unlock certain characters, they are being locked.
Yes, the characters that you have unlocked are also getting locked out. This bug is causing some major flunk outs. The reason for this bug is from the server side and Overwatch 2 will probably fix it by the end of the update today. (Or at least they should)
We have made progress working through launch issues.
Here is an update on what we have addressed and other things we are doing to make your play experience smoother. We plan to take #Overwatch2 offline at 6PM PT for an estimated 1 hr
Read more
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 7, 2022
To address another issue you can also refer Overwatch 2: Blizzard Removes SMS Protect for Existing Accounts
How to Fix The Overwatch 2 Locked Characters Bug?
First of all, check if the problem is from your end or not. Check your internet connectivity and see if you’re connected to the game properly or not. After this, make sure that you actually have unlocked the character/s that you are trying to play with. The list below is of the unlocked already characters for first-time players:
- Junker Queen: Just log in to Battle Pass
- Lúcio
- Mercy
- Moira
- Orisa
- Reinhardt
- Pharah
- Reaper
- Soldier 76
- Sojourn: Just login to Battle Pass
- Torbjörn
- Tracer
- Widowmaker
- Winston
- Zarya
If you’ve played some games and unlocked other characters, then this is a server-side issue and you can’t do much about it. Be on the lookout for the patch today and see if it resolves itself. Or else you’ll have to contact Blizzard Support. Do not worry if the issue persists, you’re not the only one facing it.
Why Are Overwatch 2 Heroes Locked For Old Players?

Whether you’re an old player or not, the rules are the same for everyone. You’ll have to play with the given characters for some matches. These matches can be up to 100 in number depending on the character. Yes, we understand this makes the game a bit tedious. Although, the players who purchased the Watchpoint Pack in Overwatch (1) should unlock all characters from the beginning of the game itself.
If you don’t unlock them immediately after logging in to the game, try to merge all your accounts. This helps in merging different accounts throughout. If the error still persists then you have to contact Blizzard Support or just wait for Overwatch 2 to respond on the issue of heroes locked.
Also Read: Grab Exclusive Kiriko Skin in Overwatch 2 From Twitch Drops