Genshin Impact Chapter II unfolds the story of Inazuma, placing the formidable Electro Archon, Baal, at the centre stage. As the ruler of Inazuma, Baal, also known as the Raiden Shogun, embarks on a ruthless Vision Hunt, targeting those who wield divine powers. In the epic showdown against Baal, players must prepare for a challenging battle that unfolds in two phases.
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— acervo hutaodasilva (@hutaodasilva) April 28, 2023
Initiating the Confrontation: Baal’s Arrival
To engage in combat with Baal, players must progress to the second act of Chapter II. The clash commences as the Traveler intervenes in a ceremony, preventing Thoma from falling victim to the Vision Hunt. Baal’s power is showcased in this battle, presenting a significant threat to the Traveler.
Phase One: Strategies and Tactics
In the initial phase, Baal exhibits slower sword attacks with noticeable start-up times. Players are advised to deploy characters with high damage output, such as Diluc or Ganyu, to maximize damage during Baal’s slower attacks. When Baal retreats and charges up with Electro energy, players must evade the ensuing multiple-area attacks by steering clear of the purple circles on the battlefield. Seize the opportunity to launch ranged attacks while Baal powers up, preventing her from executing the attack without consequence.
Phase Two: The Vision Hunt Decree
As players succeed in depleting a quarter of Baal’s health, the battle transitions into its second and more challenging phase. Baal activates the Vision Hunt Decree, prohibiting characters, except the Traveler, from utilizing elemental skills or bursts. Moreover, Baal becomes immune to Electro damage, rendering Electro Traveler ineffective against her. Regardless of the Traveler’s elemental affinity, the restricted abilities limit damage output, making it challenging to defeat Baal before the subsequent cutscene unfolds.
The Unyielding Challenge and Future Developments
While the Baal boss battle presents a formidable challenge, players currently face insurmountable odds during the second phase due to the Vision Hunt Decree. As the narrative unfolds, players anticipate future developments, including the arrival of Baal in Genshin Impact banners following characters like Yoimiya and Sayu.
As the game continues to evolve, players strategize and adapt to overcome powerful adversaries, unlocking new dimensions of the Genshin Impact universe.