How to Complete All Four Build in the Storm Fortnite Challenges Season 6?

The overall task is a bit lengthy but, a proper strategy can ease down the work. We will discuss an easy method in this article to complete all the storm challenges smoothly.

Last Updated on: 14th May 2021, 12:47 pm

Build in the Storm Fortnite
Build in the Storm Fortnite quests

The new set of challenges requires players to complete all the Build in the Storm Fortnite quests. There are seven challenges. Out of these, four are linked to the build in the storm. The overall task is a bit lengthy but, a proper strategy can ease down the work. We will discuss an easy method in this article to complete all the storm challenges smoothly. Moreover, players can win a lot of XP by fulfilling all of the Build in the Storm Fortnite challenges.

How to Complete Build in the Storm Fortnite Challenges: Easy Guide

There are four challenges out of the seven challenges regarding build in the storm. The complete list of these quests is given below:

  • Gain Health in the Storm (24000 XP)
  • Shockwave grenade yourself while in the storm (24000 XP)
  • Survive storm phases (24000 XP)
  • Build in the Storm (24000 XP)
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Now, let us discuss in detail how to accomplish Build in the Storm Fortnite challenges easily and effectively.

Build in the Storm Challenge 1

Through the first challenge of the storm, players can earn a good amount of health. They have to earn this health when they are in the storm. The most suitable location to accomplish this task is Slurpy Swamps. After landing here directly, head on to dismantle the Slurp truck. As soon as you break the truck, you will get health of 100.

Build in the Storm Challenge 2

In the build in the storm challenge 2, players have to face and stand by the storm with five times more power. Although that may seem tough, it is easy to complete this quest. All you need is to find a safe zone inside the storm. Stay inside the hurricane until it ends.

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Build in the Storm Challenge 3

In the third challenge, players have to build while staying out of the storm. Before you start to build up, collect a sufficient amount of materials required for the same. You can also build inside the storm. But this can prove a little hard. So, build maximum amount outside the storm and only a little inside of it.

Build in the Storm Challenge 4

In the last quest of the storm, players have to use Shockwave Grenade. First, get yourself this grenade. Then stand on the outer edge of the storm and use the grenade on yourself.

Players will have to complete each one to get all the XP rewards. So, hurry up and complete all of the Build in the Storm Fortnite challenges.

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Maninder Beniwal
Maninder Beniwal
Maninder, a guest writer on MoroEsports, is contributing to Mobile Esports and sharpening her skills in writing.