Home Fortnite Fortnite x Cobra Kai Collab Confirmed: Cobra Kai Skins

Fortnite x Cobra Kai Collab Confirmed: Cobra Kai Skins


Last Updated on: 18th December 2021, 09:36 am

Fortnite x Cobra Kai
Fortnite x Cobra Kai

Fortnite x Cobra Kai Collab Soon: As you guys know it’s just the starting of the new Fortnite Chapter 3. To make this starting special and memorable Fortnite is releasing so many new items to the Item Shop. Not only new items but some amazing collaborations.

Now this time Epic is bringing a brand new collaboration of Fortnite x Cobra Kai to the game. Just a few days back we enjoyed the Fortnite x Spider-Man collaboration. The crossover for which everyone was waiting for so long.

Apart from this we also had Fortnite x Gears Of War collaboration. Fortnite is putting too much effort to make this new Chapter journey amazing. Now in the next few weeks, it is expected that we are going to see Cobra Kai bundle and outfits in the game.

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Fortnite x Cobra Kai:

According to the Fortnite data miners, it is confirmed that soon there will be a Cobra kai collab in the game. Currently, we have three encrypted Fortnite sprays that are revealed. The name of the three encrypted sprays for Cobra Kai Fortnite collab are:

  • Cobra Kai Spray
  • Eagle Fang Spray
  • Miyagi – Do Spray

Moreover, apart from the Cobra kai sprays, we will also be having a Fortnite bundle. Most probably the name of this Fortnite bundle will be “Teachings of Miyagi“. At present not much information is available about this Fortnite Cobra Kai collab.

It is expected that we will see this collab in the Fortnite Battle Royale next year or maybe at the end of this month i.e 31st December 2021. It is because Cobra Kai Season 4 is releasing on 31st December 2021. This Cobra Kai season 4 consists of a total of ten episodes. All episodes are expected to be coming on a weekly basis.

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Fortnite Update 19.01:

Fortnite x COBRA KAI
Fortnite x COBRA KAI

Apart from the Fortnite collaborations, Fortnite released its first update in the new Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1. In this update, Fortnite added some new items to the game. Fortnite released the new golden style for the Marshmello skin in this new update. With the release of this update, Fortnite solved some bugs which were there in the game.

If we talk more about the Fortnite x Cobra Kai collab then it is almost confirmed that we will see this crossover right there in the game. But all the information we have till now is from unofficial sources so we will have to wait a bit more for Fortnite’s official announcement.

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