What is in The Fortnite Item Shop Right Now?

The current Fortnite Item shop has some exciting skins, outfits and so much more. Everything about the Item Shop today from us on August 9, 2021.

Last Updated on: 30th March 2023, 08:26 pm

what is in the current fortnite item shop

Fortnite Item Shop Right Now: The new item shop in Fortnite is sparkly as usual since the start of the Rift Tour in Fortnite. There are some featuring skins from Chapter 1 as well. You can also know more about the new Keep Poppinโ€™ music from the Fortnite Item Shop here today on 9 August 2021. There is another new skin variant for the Double Cross Skin in Fortnite at the same time as well.

What is in the Fortnite Item Shop Right Now?

So, the Fortnite Item Shop has a very Ariana Grande-like theme. There are DJ skins, singers featuring in the Rift Tour, and many more. Weโ€™ll cover each of those sections in order here. Besides that, we also have DC and Gaming Legends outfits mentioned further.

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Featured Items in Fortnite Item Shop Today:

new fortnite item shop right now

Doublecross(Uncommon Outfit) is now back with a new skin variant of camo type. She is from the Red Lily set introducing in Chapter 1 Season 9. (Divinewoodncrafts) Her Floral Shell (Rare back bling), Flowerprint (Uncommon wrap). Toon Meowscles (Rare Outfit) with his bundle, the Drop-In (Uncommon music), and Toon-Toon bells (Pick-ax) are back.

Besides this, Midsummer Midas from the Cosmic Summer is also here with his Golden Black (Uncommon Wrap) and Gilded Shadow (Uncommon Pick-ax). You can buy the Meowscles bundle if you havenโ€™t yet. All of the featured items from the Fortnite Item Shop right now are from jojojosiah a very famous content creator.

Daily Items:

The Daily Items for Fortnite include the Shadow Ops (Epic Outfit) and Renegade (Uncommon outfit). Both of these are from Chapter 1. We also have the new Keep Poppinโ€™ (Rare Music) which is making its first appearance today.

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Street Fighters set:

current fortnite item shop

However, it is really hard to interpret why the Street Fighters are in Fortnite yet. Howsoever, if you have missed buying Guile and Cammy yet you can still find them in the Item Shop today. They are featuring for โ€˜Gaming Legendsโ€™ outfits. Delta Red Bowie Blade and Guileโ€™s Knuckle Buster are Pick-axes. While the V-Trigger Vector is their glider.

More on the Street Fighters in Fortnite here.


Bloodsport is a new DC outfit with his bloodsport camo wrap and Argus Sabre pick-ax. So, the Fortnite Item Shop right now also has the DC theme at the same time.

Icon Series Ariana Grande & Rift Tour Items:

These are all the Rift Tour Series skins and outfits. You can buy Ariana Grande as the Icon Series skin in Fortnite for 2000 V-bucks. Furthermore, she has the 7 Rings Smasher (Pick-ax) and Sweetener Sailshards (Glider).

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The Syncopactor, Reverb, Hi-Hat, Sparkle Skull, Band Pass, Pop Prodigy, Attenuator, and many more are in the Rare Rift Tour Outfits. Nightlife, Party MVP, and Envision are the Epic outfits. Finally, the only Legendary outfit seems to be DJ-Bop.

When is the Rift Tour going to end in Fortnite?

This is all for the current Fortnite Item Shop right now on August 9, 2021. Weโ€™ll keep you updated with the latest news, skins, quests, glitches, and a lot more in Fortnite. So, make sure to keep following us for more quality content.


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Nikunj Patel
Nikunj Patel
Nikunj is a young and aspiring writer who is also interested in gaming. He is constantly looking forward to progress further into the field he works for.