Last Updated on: 22nd June 2021, 09:04 am

Fortnite Item Shop June 22: The Fortnite Item Shop always brings something new each day. It can be a new skin, an emote, an accessory. It can be from way back in Chapter 1 from when people would’ve forgotten it as well. But today the unexpected has happened. Keep reading to find out more about the Fortnite item shop today.
The items today were also featured by PIZ0 again after the June 18 update of the shop. The new Fortnite Item Shop has a lot to show us and changed to look completely different. Why? Read on.
What is in the Featured Items of Fortnite Item Shop June 22, 2021?
Today in the featured items we have the Beach Bomber(Rare) outfit with her Payload(Uncommon) Glider and Brite Stars(Uncommon) Skin wrap. Along with that she also comes with the Brite Board(Rare) back bling. The Beach Bomber outfit and all the above-mentioned items are from the Sunshine and Rainbows set.
You can also watch this video for an overview of the shop today:
Cryptic(Rare) and Mystify(Rare) Outfits are also making a return from the Cryptic set. Introduced in Season 9, and with edited styles for each. Cryptic and Mystify both have the Spectral Spine(Rare) and Skeletal Wings(Rare) back bling. There is also the Enigma Wrap. Cyclo(Legendary) with his Windsheer(Legendary) from Chapter 2 Season 2 is also here.
Got any redeem codes? Know how to redeem them here.
Reactive Skins are back in Item Shop?

Next up in the featured section we have the Gleam team. From the Gleam Team, you can buy Pulse(Epic) and Flow(Epic) Skins. These have the Glow Grin(Epic) and Vibe Star(Epic) back bling which are reactive.
They actually change faces whilst the game. The Glow Wings(Epic) glider is also a part of the Gleam Team. The Vibe Axe(Rare) and Sonic Glow(Rare) are the harvesting tool and skin wrap for today. You can also buy any of these separately if you want to from the Fortnite Item Shop June 22, 2021 today.
You can also check out yesterday’s Item Shop here.
Daily Items Fortnite Item Shop June 22, 2021

In the Daily Items today we have the Atlantean Fishstick(Rare) and Bullseye(Rare) from Chapter 2 Season 3 and Season 6. Atlantean Fishstick also comes with the Titan Scale(Rare) back bling. We also have four emotes that are in the daily part. Squat Kick(Epic) from Season 3. Infectious and Dream Feet rare skins from Chapters 10 and 8 are back. Finally, Behold(Uncommon) emote is the last for the shop.
Are DC Legends really Gone?
It seems like Fortnite has finally decided to remove the DC Legends from the main theme of the item shop from June 22, 2021. Yes, you heard it right. DC is no longer in the Item Shop now. However, not unexpected since DC has been a part of the Daily Item Shop of Fortnite for so long.
So, it was quite fascinating to remove the DC Skins without any notice of sorts. Nonetheless, the Shop will be a lot less chaotic now that Batman, Beast Boy, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and Flash are gone.
Read more about the O2 in Fortnite featuring easy lifefrom epic here.