Clash Royale Miner Mine for Gold Challenge: Info, Rewards and More!

Clash Royale Miner Mine for Gold Challenge: Info, Rewards and More!

If you need some extra gold in Clash Royale then an amazing opportunity is on its way in the game. As all Clash Royale is already familiar with Gold Event and lots of gold after crushing enemy towers. Good news for all players who want some gold for something because within a few days a new event is going to begin in the game. In this blog post, you will read about the upcoming Clash Royale Miner Mine for Gold Challenge event, regards, and more. 

What is Clash Royale Miner Mine for Gold Challenge?

Clash Royale is a game where players always get multiple opportunities to obtain a free reward. Even Clash Royale is a Free-2-Play game but unlike other games, players can compete with other players to win palmers. To replace the money you need to actively participate in free events and championships. 

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Furthermore, speaking of championships there is a tournament running in the Clash Royale game. If you don’t know then you can read our in-depth guide about the Clash Royale
Royal Tournament. Basically, in Clash Royale Miner Mine for Gold Challenge tournament, you need to compete with other players and the best part is Entry is Free! 

Well, if you can get a rank under 100 then get yourself a legendary chest and amazing rewards. Apart from the Royal Tournament event, a new Miner Mine for the Gold challenge is coming into the game. If you don’t want to miss the opportunity to obtain thousands of Gold in Clash Royale then keep reading this blog post.

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How to Participate and Obtain in Clash Royale Miner MIne for Gold Challenge? 

The release date of this event is 22nd April 2022 and it will run for a few days, not weeks. Moreover, the reward of the event is not just thousands of Gold but also a unique remote. By the name of the event you can think that the Miner is involved in this event. 

For more details about Clash Royale Miner Mine for Gold Challenge, you can read the official statement by the Clash Royale developer which is 

“For the first time ever, build a deck with both Miner and Mighty Miner, and win free rewards! 3 losses and you’re out, but you still have a chance to reset your losses and continue to play.”

You can read get the list of the rewards below: 

  1. The first reward is at your 1st win you will get or earn 8000 Gold
  2. Second is at your 2nd win you will another 6000 Gold
  3. The next reward comes at 3rd win which will help get 4000 Gold
  4. Another one and at 4th win helps obtain more 2000 Gold
  5. Now second last is comes at 5th win helps notch 1000 Gold
  6. Well, its 6th win helps gain an amazing which is also an exclusive Legendary Miner card
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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
Amit is an entertainment content writer. He is currently pursuing graduation with Bachelor in Commerce. He loves to watch anime and play games like Minecraft, Clash Royale, and Pokemon Go in his free time.