Brawlhalla X Avatar: The Last Air Bender New Crossover Skins

We will soon see Brawlhalla collaborating with Avatar in the upcoming weeks. Get their release date and all details below.

brawlhalla x avatar new crossover skins
7/11/2022 | Brawlhalla collab with Avatar: The Last Air Bender From Nickelodeon

Just after the huge update from Brawlhalla devs on the new patch, they revealed their brand new collab with Avatar. We will be seeing Aang, Toph and Zuko from Avatar in the game very soon. Find the Avatar crossover details and release date in Brawlhalla below.

Brawlhalla X Avatar: The Last Air Bender Crossover

BMG has done so many collabs that its almost unbelievable to look at all of them at the same time. Last year we saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Walking Dead coming to the game. The collaboration was actually revealed during the reveal of the new weapon. There were Aang and Toph instead of Wu Shang and Kor in the character selection screen. This was mentioned first by PavelskiBH.

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Given the fact that Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl already existing as a competitor platform fighter, this crossover may have come as a bit of a surprise. According to the official trailer of the crossovers the animations are really great. The hitboxes will remain the same for all signatures only the animations will be a lot different.

Crossover Legends and Cosmetics Details:

The final and sole known survivor of the Air Nomads is Aang, an Epic Crossover for Wu Shang. Toph, an Epic Crossover for Kor, was born blind and learned as he grew up how to flourish despite his disability. A powerful Firebender and the son of Fire Lord Ozai, Zuko is an Epic Crossover for Hattori. He was exiled from the Fire Nation after speaking out against his father and the conquering of the Fire Nation. There will be a new emote by the name of ‘Momo‘. And Appa, one of the oldest friends of Aang will be coming as a sidekick. Alongwith the crossover skins we will also see a new Air temple map in the game.

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Release Date For Collaboration With Avatar:

On November 16, 2022, Brawlhalla will welcome Aang, Toph, and Zuko from Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender! Although the Hundred Year War may be over, the fight has only just begun. The release will also include the new dev patches that Brawlhalla devs mentioned in BCX 2022. Although this will be much sooner than the New Weapon and its release in Brawlhalla.

Unfortunately, we expected that the release of the new weapon will include one of the Avatar characters using it. But so far out of the three characters that will actually have the crossovers, it doesn’t seem possible. The new weapon and character will be released at a later date only.

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You an take a look at the official trailer of the collab with Avatar in Brawlhalla as below:

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