Bind Map Valorant: Everything You Need To Know

Everything you need to know about the Bind Map in Valorant is here. Read until the end to find out the best agents and locations to plant spikes on the map.

Last Updated on: 23rd July 2021, 06:40 pm

Bind Map
Bind Map

Valorant has a lot of maps and you can play differently on each one. After selecting their characters, attackers have to plant the spike at either A site or B site. Sometimes, if the map named Haven comes, then there is a C site as well. It is the only map with the third site. The Bind map is quite tricky and that’s why we bring this guide to you. Find all the details about the Bind Map in Valorant here.

Mechanics for Each Map in Valorant:

After planting the spike, players don’t have to allow the defenders to defuse the spike. Whereas the defenders aim to defuse the spike and win the round. The team which wins 13 rounds wins the match. There are a total of 6 maps in-game which are Bind, Split, Ascent, Heaven, Icebox, and Breeze. Read this article till the end to know more about Bind.

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Where Are The Spike Planting Areas In Bind Map in Valorant?


Bind is a map that is well known for its teleporters. It is a great map for attackers. The two teleporters make a major difference. One of the teleporters opens just in front of site B and the other one is just in front of Site A. This makes the rotations much easier and faster.

There are two sites named A and B. For attackers, on the left of where they spawn, there is site B. They have to go through a path to enter site B. There are a total of four entries to enter site B. On their right, there is Site A. There are a total of four entries to enter the A site.

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As compared to site B, site A is larger. There are many planting spots with s shelter in site A but, in site B, there is only a container. So players prefer going A for the plant in the Bind Map of Valorant.

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Which Are The Best Agents For Bind?

The scouting agents like Sova and Cypher are the best agents on the map. Duelists like Raze and Reyna also make a major difference. Raze’s boombot can cross the teleporter and can go to the other side. Players also throw grenades of Raze along with boombot as the teleporter is open.

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Viper is also a useful agent in Bind as it’s the lineup and ultimate can help to capture the site. Sniping agents like Jett are very useful as a sniper is a key factor in the Bind Map of Valorant.

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