BGMI Anti Cheat Status Today: Cheaters are Getting Banned

In this article, you will find everything about the BGMI Anti Cheat Status Today: Cheaters are Getting Banned.

Last Updated on: 4th October 2023, 12:41 am

BGMI Anti Cheat Status Today
04/10/2023 | BGMI Anti Cheat Status Today – Cheaters are Getting Banned: The new season 21 or C1S2 is going on right now.| Credits: BGMI

BGMI Anti Cheat Status Today – Cheaters are Getting Banned:ย The new season 21 or C1S2 is going on right now. A lot of players have started pushing their ranks to reach Ace or Conqueror in BGMI. And one of the major problems they face is getting killed by hackers. Players can’t do anything except just report these hackers. And BGMI is banning these hackers now. A lot of hackers are already banned from the game. In this article, you will find everything about the BGMI Anti Cheat Status Today: Cheaters are Getting Banned.

BGMI Anti Cheat Status Today:

Cycle 1 Season 2 or C1S2 is going on right now. A lot of players have started pushing their ranks to reach Ace or Conqueror in BGMI. And one of the major problems they face is hackers. Players can’t do anything except just report these hackers. And BGMI is banning these hackers now. A lot of hackers are already banned from the game.

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Around 1 million Hackers got banned last season. BGMI investigates all the cases when you report someone who’s a hacker. So if you encounter any hackers in the game, kindly report them. Through the security system and community monitoring, BGMI has banned ย 142,578 accounts from September 3 ~ to September 9.

BGMI Update Android Play Store Link:

The 1.6 Update in BGMI for Android devices is going to be available on 17 October 2023. With this update, there will be many new features and modes available in the game. To download and install the new update follow the steps given below:

Step 1: First, players need to click on this Play Store Link Here.

Also Read:  BGMI Return Date to India: Krafton's Announcement New update

Step 2: Then players need to download the game.

Step 3: After downloading it, you can just launch the game.

Step 4: Beforeย installing, players must allow from unknown resources.

Step 5: Download all the Resource Packs And Maps.

By following these steps, you can easily install BGMI 1.6 From the Play Store.

Find out more hereย Best Sensitivity For BGMI: All You Need to Know.

BGMI 1.6 Update iOS Apple Store Link:

The 1.6 Update in BGMi for iOS devices is going to be available on 17 October 2023. With this update, there will be many new features and modes available in the game. To download and install the new update follow the steps given below:

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Step 1: Firstly, players need to click on this Apple Store Link Here.

Step 2: Then players need to download the game.

Step 3: After downloading it, you can just launch the game.

Step 4: Now download all the Resource Packs And Maps.

By following these steps, you can easily install BGMI 1.6 From the Apple Store.

New Optimizations:

Then some more optimizations in the New BGMI 1.6 Update are-

  • The new update will increase the durability of UAZ and pickup trucks.
  • Scope Adjustments will also be faster.
  • New guns will make entry into arena mode.
  • Now, there will be unlimited ammo on training grounds. It will help players practice limitlessly.
  • Then Optimized and New Basic settings.

In conclusion, we hope that you found everything about BGMI Anti Cheat Status Today.