Last Updated on: 2nd September 2021, 11:46 am

BGMI Announces the Shutdown Of Data Transfer With Facebook Accounts: Recently, BGMI has announced a public notice that addresses that the data transfer with Facebook accounts will be shut down later this month.
Head on to this article to know what this shutdown sounds like and the measures that players need to take to save their accounts.
Battlegrounds Mobile India is already achieving numerous milestones and players are also enjoying it. Moreover, Battlegrounds Mobile India allows the players to transfer their existing data from PUBG Mobile Nordic Map: Livik through Facebook and Twitter accounts to Battlegrounds Mobile India.
However, recently Facebook had issued a new SDK policy. And, according to this policy, the logins with Facebook accounts in the browser of Android devices will get disable in the future.
Precisely, players will not be able to transfer their existing data from PUBG Mobile to BGMI after a certain period. Also, players will not be able to run the game if the Facebook application is not install in their device.
Therefore, Battlegrounds Mobile India had certainly made an official statement regarding this through a blog post. Here are the details and the dates by which players can perform transfer and log in with their accounts.
Here are the Details Regarding the Shutdown Of Data Transfer With Facebook Accounts:
The data transfer through the Facebook account will not be possible after the patch. And, also players must need to install Facebook in their device to log in. The details are as mentioned below.
- BGMI Shutdown Of Data Transfer With Facebook Accounts: after September 28 Patch
- Login disabled unless the Facebook App is not installed on the device: after October 5
Both of these changes are specifically for the AOS Android devices, meanwhile it is not yet relevant for IOS devices.
As a result, players must perform the transfer of their accounts through Facebook before 28 September. And, players also need to install the Facebook app while logging in the game after 5 October.
Meanwhile, here’s a step by step guide to transfer the data from PUBG Mobile to BGMI through Facebook or Twitter respectively.
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