If you’re still struggling with choosing the best Phoenix Launch Party deck in Clash Royale, don’t worry you’re not alone. There are a lot of players asking the same question for the new event. But you don’t need to stress a lot, there are still 5 days remaining as of writing this.
What is The Phoenix Launch Party Event About?
We are now allowed to play the Phoenix Card in the game after it was first hinted at in a recent Puzzle Royale. Once defeated, this brand-new Legendary Flying Unit will erupt and hurt the units around it before fleeing back to its egg. The Phoenix will then emerge once again if the egg is not destroyed in time. You already know how helpful this unit is, so we won’t say it again. There is also a Phoenix Launch Party challenge to mark the occasion. Naturally, you must have the Phoenix in your deck in order to play this card.
Which is The Best Phoenix Launch Party Deck to Win in Clash Royale?
So after the release of Phoenix, we surfed the internet to find some of the best decks for the new event. The new event for the Phoenix Launch Party is a bit tricky to complete in Clash Royale. The first half is fine, the problem is the second half. Here you just have 3 losses and have to pay with 25 gems to play from where you are. Below are the 3 decks you can use for the event to make it easier:
First Deck (Low Average Elixir, Fast Gameplay)
- Skeleton King
- Ice Wizard
- Graveyard
- Poison
- Tombstone
- Tornado
- Barbarian Barrel
Second Deck (Higher Average Elixir, Slower Gameplay)
- Golem
- Baby Dragon
- Barbarian Barrel
- Tombstone
- Lightning
- Tornado
- Night Witch
Third Deck (Average Elixir Cost, Medium Paced Gameplay):
- Lava Hound
- Skeleton King
- Miner
- Skeleton Dragons
- Flying Machine
- Arrows
- Tombstone
How Long Will The Event Last For?
From October 26 to November 2 you can participate in the Phoenix Launch Party Challenge, which requires you to build a deck using the Phoenix, a flying unit that can regenerate in Clash Royale. Play to win the big prize. For the first half of the event you will be able to get around without any losses. So you can choose your favorite cards to play with until you beat your opponents.
Even if you’re struggling with the first half of the challenge yo can try out our decks that we have mentioned below. You can make a few changes here and there, but don’t change the basic gameplay of the deck. The strategy and cards both are important for the decks to workout. We hope you found your best pick of the Phoenix Launch Party deck to complete the challenge in Clash Royale.
Alternatively, you can also use the deck suggested by Master Diddy San.
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