Ajjubhai, aka Total Gaming, is a well-known figure in the Indian Free Fire Community. He is famous for the gameplay videos which he uploads on his YouTube channel. He currently has a large subscriber count of over 21 million. Also, he owns the popular team-“Total Gaming”. Here you will get to know about the stats of Ajjubhai in Free Fire.
Ajjubhai Free Fire ID and stats
His Free Fire ID is 451012596.
Lifetime stats-
Ajjubhai has appeared in 10683 squad matches. He has emerged on top on 2611 occasions, which constitute a win percentage of 24.44%. He has gathered 39601 kills sustaining a K/D ratio of 4.91.
In duo mode, Ajjubhai has 307 wins in 1668 matches constituting a win percentage of 18.40%. With 6469 frags to his name, he has a K/D ratio of 4.75 in this mode.
Ajjubhai has played 898 solo matches and has 77 wins, maintaining a win ratio of 8.57%. He has a total of 2267 wins with a K/D ratio of 2.76.
Ranked stats-
In the current ranked season, Ajjubhai has participated in 831 squad matches and got the victory in 128 matches. In addition, he has a win ratio of 15.40%. He has accumulated 3223 kills with a K/D ratio of 4.58.
Total Gaming has also played 29 duo matches with a single win. Moreover, He is having a win percentage of 3.44% with a K/D ratio of 2.11 and has 59 frags.
He has also competed in 10 solo games with 1 first-place finish. It makes up his win to 10.00%. He has collected 10 kills making a K/D ratio of 2.11.
When compared with TheDonato, in ranked matches, Ajjubhai has a greater K/D ratio in squad matches. But the former has a good win rate. In duo, TheDonato has an upper hand.
But In lifetime stats, TheDonato is ahead on both/D ratio and win rate in solo, duo, and squad.