How To Unlock Iron Lungs Perk in COD Mobile: An all new Steady Breath Seasonal Event has certainly appeared in COD Mobile and players can unlock the brand new Iron Lungs Perk through this event.
Therefore, follow up on to this article for the details about the seasonal event and know how to unlock the Iron Lungs Perk.
Call of Duty Mobile is already receiving an immense support and response by the players. And, the developers often keep making additions and keep adding new features, items to the game at regular intervals.
Moreover, Call of Duty Mobile season 8 2nd Anniversary is already live. And, the season 8 features a couple of new additions in the game with the new season.
As a result, the new season had also witnessed the addition of a new perk naming Iron Lungs perk in COD Mobile. Therefore, players can finally unlock and get this perk through the Steady Breath Seasonal Event.
Moreover, players need to accomplish the mission listed in this event to unlock the Iron Lungs Perk.
Here are the Details Regarding the Steady Breath Seasonal Event and Unlocking the Iron Lungs Perk:
The Iron Lung Perk is an all new perk getting added to COD Mobile with the ongoing season 8. This perk is basically useful for the snipers as it gives a steady output to the snipers.
The in game description of the Iron Lungs Perk read : Extend the time during which the sniper rifle will not shake while raising the mirror.
Meanwhile, players can unlock this perk by completing the missions listed in the Steady Breath Seasonal event. Therefore, here is the list of missions and their rewards in the Steady Breath Seasonal event.
- Play 5 mp matches and get 300 Credits and 1000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Kill 7 enemies with any sniper rifle equipped and gain 15 Weapon XP Cards and 1000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Earn the long shot medal 10 times in multiplayer matches and avail 2 Anniversary badge and 2000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Earn the one shot, one kill medal 15 times in multiplayer matches and grab SKS bullet metal camo and 2000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Kill 10 enemies with any sniper rifle equipped with agile perk and gain Screech card and 3000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Further, kill 25 enemies with any sniper equipped with 5 attachments and finally get the Iron Lungs perk and 3000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
- Kill 25 enemies with iron lung perk equipped and gain S36 Indomitable Camo and 4000 Battle Pass XP as a reward.
That’s all about the Steady Breath Seasonal event and unlocking the Iron Lungs Perk in COD Mobile!
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